Chapter 33

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Thanks for reading. Because last chapter was short, I thought I would update quickly afterwards.
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Newt smiled back at Brianna, but it was slightly more empty than before. The way he looked at her lately, it was like she would disappear in any moment. His hands move to her own and laced them together, squeezing them tightly.

'Do you still believe in forever?' He wondered. 'Do you think we could be forever?' He asked slowly, almost wincing as he said this like he feared her answer.

'Always.' Brianna replied. 'I could never forget, I could never stop believing in forever.'

It was their promise to one another that they would always stand by one another, never letting the worries of tomorrow or the fears of the day come between them. They would make it until the very end. Through sickness and health. Richer or poorer. Till death. For as long as they both shall live.

The silence swarmed around them, as if a lingering weight on their shoulders. Almost immediately, Brianna felt a light nudge to her left. She turned to stare into Newt's cheeky eyes in the grassy clearing beside her, Brianna smelt of vanilla, but he just smelled of nature. Newt had never noticed how beautiful her eyes were, until he was that close. They were like a beautiful sky blue. Both beautiful and evil. Both stunning and cruel. Both loving and daring. Everyone had secrets, but Brianna's eyes never lied.

Tossing her hair slightly so as to slip all the droplets of water out, Brianna settled down on the grass and tapped the space beside her, indicating for Newt to join her. Unsure of what else to do, Newt sat down and began to pick at the grass.

'You know, when you're not around, even when you weren't here and I didn't even know you existed, I missed you.' Newt whispered and Brianna felt like it was the first time she had seen him vulnerable before, like he actually needed someone.

'You did?'

'Now I feel like, with you by my side, we could rule the world. Seas could part and trees would bow when I gave the word. I feel so empowered now that I know you love me,' He laughed at how clichéd metaphorical that was. 'But when you weren't here, when I was gone and you were waiting to go to the Glade, there was never an honest word.' He mumbled, his eyes drifting downwards again. Brianna's lips parted, her voice unable to find the right words.

'I'm sorry Newt, I didn't realise how much I meant to you.' Brianna begged, close to tears, wanting his forgiveness more than anything. 'But I am here now and I won't go anywhere.'

'You don't like Thomas then, do you now?' Newt stammered, his mouth dry and his words empty.

'Of course not.' Brianna explained earnestly. 'I am deeply, vastly, completely and maddeningly in love with you. I feel like I'm falling in love with you faster than my brain can believe.'

'I love you so much, Brianna,' Newt whispered and wrapped his arms around her tightly, pulling her closer. She leant against him on the grass of the clearing, looking up through the gaps of the trees at the vast, open sky.


Brianna only realised that she had fallen asleep when she awoke, her eyes fluttering open to gaze into Newt's eyes. One hand was placed delicately on her waist, not applying too much pressure just incase he woke her, whilst the other lingered in her hair, gently combing any tangles from the blonde pillow of silky hair.

He hadn't slept at all, he hadn't woken her, he had just soothed her silently to sleep and then thought onward about everything. There was no less pride and happiness than being so relaxed with the person you love. Nothing, it seemed, could ruin this moment.

Night was falling. The setting sun's red rays lit up the sky above the western horizon. But they didn't move. Brianna didn't even sit up from his lap. He didn't move his hands, except the therapeutic combing of her hair. They just watched.

Soon the sun disappeared below the horizon and the sky turned dark but Newt and Brianna sat on the grass gazing at the place where the sun went down. Sunsets were the most mesmerising thing of the natural world. The best things in life comes free to us.

Then their sight was robbed off them, except each other's darkened silhouettes, bringing them back to reality.

They were together in silence, complete silence, but it was comfortable. It was just them, in their blissful infinity, no matter how short it really was, it couldn't be put into numbers, let alone words. Without making a sound, they both got up and made their way back to the camp.

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