Chapter 19

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Thank you for reading my story, this chapter may be a little dull, especially as I was sick for the past two days :( But I promise it'll get better soon... So I'll update the next chapter as soon as I can ;)
By the way, if I don't update as regularly as usual or as long chapters as usual it is because I am doing the British external exams GCSEs and will probably be revising- but I won't forget this story!
If you see any spelling/ punctuation/ grammar mistakes, can you please tell me because I'm rubbish at that!
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It is the ardent hope of such a civilised group of teenage boys that everyone must play their part. It was the second rule of the Glade, told to her by Newt during her tour. This very fact had played in Brianna's mind since becoming one of the Gladers, as she refused slop into the pit of despair, being unable to move much distance because of her leg. After only a few days in the Glade, most of the Gladers began to like her and would give her small tasks to complete that required little movement, but nobody could help her as much as she had hoped. Thus, she felt like she had become worthless to the Gladers, like a leach that harvested on their hard work. Brianna despised herself more than anyone had at her arrival to the Glade.

'Brianna,' Newt began and her eyes shot up immediately from her book. 'We have another meeting in an hour, but with just you, Alby, Minho, Gally and myself this time.' Newt told her nervously and she spun around, smiling widely at him, making him feel even more uncomfortable.

'Why?' She prompted, her eyes flicking over to him, peering over her sketch book slightly. Since entering the maze, Brianna had spent every second while her leg healed to read or draw. She was engrossed in novel after novel for hours at a time, something rather unsociable, but she insisted that she wanted to maintain her education.

'To discuss your injury,' Newt mumbled nervously, glancing at her bandaged leg awkwardly and finishing with an exasperated sigh.

'Ok, I'll see you in a an hour.' She promised and exhaled loudly and clearly, rocking back on her hammock, snapping her book closed and wincing as she shifted from her recline into a seated position, the strain on her ankle painful, but bearable.

'Good that.' Newt smiled and jogged off, gathering Gally who was busy doing random stuff builders do that Brianna still didn't understand. At first, she had taken to people watching and had learnt a lot about leadership and teamwork, but Gally would snap and glare at her, so she asked for books and notebooks from the box. Thankfully to the Gladers, they came.

The same thought of her low participation played over and over in her mind as she ambled through the foliage of the forest path. It wasn't the quickest route to homestead, where the meeting was held, from the fields, admittedly, but Brianna simply adored walking through the humble forest and feeling the dirt beneath her feet.

Brianna sung softly to myself the tune she remembered people used to sing to her, nut she couldn't remember who, as she trotted beneath the trees, the sunlight shining through the leaves and dappling the dirt of the ground her feet pressed under her weight. Brianna remembered most of the words, but sometimes they didn't make sense as much as they used to, but it comforted her all the same.

Her walking halted when Brianna caught sight of the most magnificent thing she had ever encountered in the Glade. It was a simple blackberry bush that had burst into bloom a little later than usual. She immediately dropped onto a weathered rock, and retrieved the sketchbook she held so closely to her heart.

Those closest to her would know that since the day the box arrived, with a special smaller box labelled "The girl" with these things and other necessities only relevant to her, Brianna had rarely been seen without it and would pour her heart's desires into her little sketchbook. Only Newt, Minho and Alby (Minho and Alby however had only seen the maze and Greiver sketches, except when Minho peered over her shoulder and congratulated her on her nature sketch) had ever seen it, and these were just the pictures she had permitted them to see. No one was allowed to see the sketches of Newt, drawn so carefully and lovingly, the sketches of the maze, the sketches of the Grievers and the sketches of a vestige of sorrowful fleeting memories.

Newt particularly love the sketches she had done of nature, like the one she was about to do, when she found a random blank page and drew anything from the changing seasons of a particular plant or a squirrel she had seen collecting nuts. Things to me which she had seen to be of great beauty, but to the others they were simply unobserved. Newt loved the single leaf falling from a tree; the blue tit collecting a deep red berry from a tree and the sunlight glinting off the water pump's still, cool and refreshing water.

Brianna flicked through the leather book until she found a blank page and began to sketch the vague outlines of the blackberry bush as her hand swept across the paper in soft movements. It was such a beautifully simple specimen.

She sat there for a total of around thirty-three, mesmerised by this page. Sketching brought her back down to reality, cooling her senses and relaxing her swirling thoughts of the maze, the Griever, her injury, Newt and, most of all, the strange prophecy.

'Brianna, glad you finally decided to show up,' Gally muttered as she glided into the seat next to Minho, pulling a face in his direction.

'Sorry, I got carried away, what did I miss?' She asked eagerly, desperate for her to be allowed in the maze soon. Brianna knew she couldn't run, but if she showed the dedication to practice, she figured they may have to.

'We were talking about how long it may take your ankle to heal...' Newt mumbled shyly from beside her. She confidently tossed her hair, determined it wouldn't take longer than a few days.

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