Chapter 45

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'I would just like to know what on Earth you were thinking?'

His demand made Brianna wince with its volume and harsh pitch, but she didn't falter. 'I was running from a Griever behind Thomas and Minho and I saw the Griever try to sting Minho and I dived to save him. I could either choose to save him or me and I chose him.' She explained confidently, knowing this was not what he wanted.

'No... Why did you go into the maze. I told you two weeks and you sliced it by more than a half, Newt even suggested never running again. You better have a good excuse when you see Newt.' Her breath hitched in ear throat at this. Newt was disappointed with her and she loathed herself because of this.

'I went into the maze because I had to. I was better and I needed to do it, so that you would realise I am capable enough,' Gally snorted, raising an eyebrow at her state.

'Yes, I feel like I really can trust you to find an exit to the maze when your lying in a hospital bed after nearly dying twice. Aren't you the bright one?' He taunted, but Brianna wasn't fazed by this.

'Good to see you too, Gally Wally.' She teased and his nostrils flared, but he said nothing. She changed her attention back to Alby. 'It was either Minho's safety or my own. It may have even stung both Minho AND Thomas. I don't care if I never run again, so long as I was protecting them from the Griever.'

'Brianna, I have a problem,' Alby explained, sitting on the edge of her bed. 'In your absence I held a meeting in which I decided what to do. As a leader I must punish and award when appropriate. So I must give you a night in the pit.' He explained but Brianna, nodded actually relieved it was only one night. She had expected Alby to be furious with her, but he was a fair leader and realised the motive for her actions.

'I understand.' She confirmed.

'However, it's not just what I think that matters. You were still a runner so you didn't break any of our rules and you didn't cause Minho or Thomas any pain. Furthermore I think it takes a great deal of courage to sacrifice potentially your own life for your friends and a great deal of courage to disobey me as your better judgement. I think you acted well three days ago. So for those reasons, you may stay as a runner when you feel you are ready to run again, I have spoken to Minho and he agrees.' Alby smiled and Brianna glowed with pride and happiness. Gally huffed and glared at her and Brianna sent him a triumphant smile. 'However, I would recommend talking to Newt, he seemed particularly affected by this.'

Brianna nodded and jumped off the bed, swaying slightly as she raced through the doors. The med-jacks quickly stopped her and forced her to eat and drink before she left, but then she was able to go and search for Newt. But she knew where he would be.

The walk back to the woods towards the large tree Newt adored seemed endless, a row of Gladers gawking at her across the fields, some of them smirking at her as if laughing at how stupid she had been. Even Ben sighed when he saw Minho, Alby and Gally leave Homestead and gave him an apologetic glance, even Ben knew what a mistake Minho had made by allowing Brianna back into the maze.

But Brianna smirked and walked with her head held high, confidence in her idea to become a runner again, which so far had been successful.

Brianna could see Minho out of the corner of her eye, talking steadfastly to Alby about her. She felt a lump in her throat, but doubted they would do anything too bad now that she had proven to be able to handle the maze again.

When she arrived at the tree, she watched Newt for a moment. He was slumped on the branches with his back to her, looking up at the sky and sighing occasionally. When she had awoken, he had been so delighted. Yet now he looked betrayed and disappointed with her. She felt terrible at her own actions.

'Brianna!' Came a gasp from her left. Her eyes snapped and locked with Newt's, riddled with confusion, annoyance, glee and betrayal. An unusual set, but all completely justified. He walked up to her and embraced her tightly, never wanting to let her go ever again.

'Newt, I'm so sorry, I just....' She trailed off, unable to find the right words. 'You must hate me.' She admitted finally.

'I don't hate you, I still love you, always.' He promised and held out a hand to help her onto the tree. 'Its just I was a little annoyed that you purposefully disobeyed me and lied to me. I thought you trusted me, Brianna.'

'I'm sorry, Newt. Your amazing and I'm far from it, just please let me run again?' She asked slowly and carefully, watching him and waiting anxiously for his answer.

'Of course.' He promised.

Newt came closer to her, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. Brianna smirked, he always did this to her and it made her feel somewhat embarrassed. 'You're so perfect.'

'Nobody's perfect.' Brianna sighed, almost irritated by his words that just sprung from his mouth without him thinking it. 'Nonetheless me, you know that.'

'You're perfect because you are not. You have your flaws, but they make you, well, you. I love it all because it's you they add up to. I'm in love with you, Brianna.' He explained, but his voice remained honest and perfect, like a bird whispering hymns for their little infinity of time that could never end. She realised her love for him was a wave. If you resist, pretending it doesn't exist and hiding your feelings, then you will be crushed over. But if you dive straight in, you'll come out the other side and be swept into the whirl wind that you'll never want to leave.

'I love you too.' And that's how it ended, their little night together. Brianna woke up with her eyes gleaming into his and she realised they had fallen asleep on the tree with their arms wrapped tightly and securely around one another, holding each other tightly until forever comes, hypnotised by love.

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