Chapter 36

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Because this chapter is really short, I will update two together.
This is a direct reference to the book/film, but it will still make sense if you haven't read/seen it.
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After Brianna raced outside, she furiously managed to push her way through the gaggle of silent boys, watching the entrance to the maze in trepidation.

'What's going on?' Brianna asked no one in particular, trying to keep her voice level. She wasn't sure how much she wanted to know that answer.

She felt Gally's hand squeezed her shoulder from behind. They hadn't always seen eye to eye, but deep down she knew they could easily be friends. No matter how much he hated her, the way he looked at her told him that he cared a little for her, enough to make sure that she wasn't hurting. If someone hurt her or screamed at her, Brianna was convinced she would go straight to Gally to protect her. 'Minho and Alby aren't back yet, but the doors are about to close soon.'

Brianna gasped for breath, suddenly feeling winded. Since entering the Glade, Minho had been a close friend of her's since she first bumped into him-literally- and he stopped her from running to her death in the maze. Her relationship with Alby wasn't as strong, but she knew that they cared for one another and she still couldn't bare to see him hurt.

Brianna's hands started to shake uncontrollably. She tried to hide her rising fear, but failed miserably as Newt could always sense her anxiety. His voice full of protective concern, Newt attempted to reassure me: 'It'll be ok, Bri. You've run with Minho, he knows what he's doing.'

That simultaneously made her feel relaxed, but also terrified. Brianna would rather be stuck in the maze with no one but Minho and she knew that he knew the paths around the maze like the back of his hand- but he was also very caring and protective. If something happened to Alby, he'd be the first to save him.

They stood there for what felt like eternity, when suddenly the doors started to rumble to a close. All of a sudden, Brianna couldn't breathe. She stood there in complete shock, her eyes wide with fear as she stared at the gap.

Suddenly, Minho and Alby emerged from the side of the maze. They all whooped with relief, until we saw how Alby was leaning on Minho for support: he had been stung. Brianna's heart was in her mouth at this, having personal experience at how terrifying the Grievers can be. With encouragement from the Gladers, Minho and Alby hobbled closer.

'Minho! Alby!' Brianna quietly yelled, ignoring the tears now flooding down her cheeks.

They weren't going to make it. Brianna felt her body jolt forwards, but Newt's hand shot out and grabbed her back. He knew what she would do and how it wouldn't help either of them at all. However, when no one was expecting it, Thomas raced forward, sprinting through the gap between the wall.

'Thomas!' Brianna screamed in fright as the doors closed, sealing three of her closest friends within them.


Newt held Brianna close, their bodies closer than they had ever been before. Minho, Thomas and Alby had been trapped in the Glade overnight and every Glader knew that no one survives a night in the maze. However, Brianna didn't move a muscle all night.

Brianna held her arms around her stomach and stayed awake for the entire might. This was because she didn't want Thomas and Minho to return to camp and catch her sleeping. Thomas and Minho did not come back for some time because the night was so long, and still Brianna stayed awake.

Thomas was Brianna's closest friend. Many of the Gladers had wanted her to be more of proper, pathetic girl to fit their stereotypes. And Newt had wanted her to be intelligent and brave but a little less intelligent and brave than him. But Thomas was sure enough to want her to be exactly who she was.

Newt stayed by her side for the duration of the time, stroking her hair and rubbing circles in her back.

'It'll be alright, Brianna,' Newt said soothingly, stroking her hair again. But Brianna didn't hear him because she felt like Thomas and Minho were most likely dead. She felt the unfairness of it, the unarguable injustice of being friends with someone for as long as you could remember and then seeing them go without saying half the things you wanted to all because of deadness.

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