Chapter 7

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I thought I would update this pretty quickly because I've been away for so long... Sorry!

'Are we interrupted something?' Gally spat and Brianna turned to see Gally, Alby and Minho all watching them, Minho the only one who seemed slightly amused by this.

'Absolutely not, I just find the walls fascinating,' Brianna explained curtly, mentally face palming herself at how awkward and lame that must have sounded.

'You should know Gladers aren't allowed this close to the wall, Newt,' Gally warned and Newt took a step forwards, almost protectively standing in front of Brianna.

'I am well aware, Gally, which is why I was here with me. Unless you would prefer I drag her away?' Newt seethed and Gally smirked, amused by his cover story. The truth never quite sounded as truthful as it was.

'Oh no, Newt. That would be animal abuse.' Gally laughed and walked off, closely followed by Minho, who needed to get ready to run and Alby, who was just standing there to check no laws were broken.

'You can't punish me for looking, Gally!' Brianna yelled after him, frustrated by his boldness.

'Oh yes as a matter of fact I can.' Gally answer amused, before running off to the rest of his allies, all laughing with him.

'Shuck face.' Brianna mattered then turned her attention to Newt. 'So in this meeting you had, what exactly happened?' Brianna asked.

'Tell you in a moment, let's just go eat I'm bloody starving for breakfast.'

She laughed, turning to face him expectantly. 'They decided what should happen. People are still unsure of what you wrote on your arm, we still don't know what it meant for sure...' He murmured, ambling across the field with an almost limp, making Brianna wince with curiosity as to when he got it. Was it the Grievers? If so, she never wanted to meet one. He turned his head towards her, waiting for her answer and watching her just as intently as she watched him.

'Yes, but what did they do?' She pressed realising how reluctant he was to help her.

'Minho and I managed to persuade them against hurting you. They wanted to punish you, but you had broken no rules, endangered no lives and done nothing wrong. To withhold you from helping us would be illogical.' He continued brightly and Brianna nodded enthusiastically. She stood up and brushed the grass and mud stains from her trousers.

'Ok.' She beamed, but Newt stood up too, biting his lip.

'Gally refused, saying he believed that you were lying and you know more than we do, more than you suggested..' Brianna huffed at his description of the meeting. He paused waiting for her to but in with an angry protest, but she held her tongue. 'So it was decided that we should let you do whatever you need to do, be a part of the Glade and one of the Gladers. Except Minho nominated you to be a runner.'

'A runner?' She spluttered, bewildered, she hadn't expected that in a million years. 'What gave him that ridiculous idea.'

'He thinks you can do it. You're fast, intelligent and have good wits. If anyone can help solve this maze, it's you.' Newt smiled down at her, deciding against telling her that he was the first one to doubt Minho. He wasn't sure if she was ready; physically, definately, but mentally, he wasn't so convinced. However Newt always trusted Minho and it was Minho's decision.

'What about Alby?' She questioned anxiously.

'What about him?'

Brianna nervously looked at her toes as they walked, her breath fluctuating with the thought of their leader. Newt was both intimidating and friendly, but Alby was neither of those. To Brianna, he was just plain annoying and evil. 'What did he think? He mustn't have agreed, he hates me.'

Newt shook his head to deny this. 'Nah, he just takes a little time to like Greenies. Everyone has to grow on him, he's suspicious of everyone and everything.' Newt only half lied for once, for Alby didn't trust many people, but it usually took less than an hour for him to be comfortable around him. But even Newt knew that it would take long.

Ably walked over and eyed Brianna suspiciously. 'Have you told her yet?' Newt nodded once stepping back slightly in respect. 'Good that. I suppose your ready to give it a go?'

'If you think so.' Brianna shrugged and Alby smiled back at her, both of their hatred beginning to dilute into almost happiness.

'I do.' Alby confirmed enthusiastically. 'Your agile, light, quick thinking, intelligent and feisty, all the best qualities of a runner. Newt and Minho agreed to, of course Gally needed a little more persuading.'

Honesty, Brianna wasn't surprised as Gally had never shown any kind of desire to be friends with her or like her in any way. It was almost stupid to think that he ever would like her at all. Yet she was disheartened by this and spat, 'As I've already angered him, can I punch him?'

Alby laughed, confusing her slightly. 'You've grown on me, Greenie, day by day. At first I thought you were suspicious and annoying, now I realise you have guts. You may be scared, but your tough and don't need to cling onto boys whenever something bad happens.' He crossed his arms, but not in an intimidating manner.

'You too, captain, you too.' She replied, holding her head high and smiling at him as they proceeded across the field past the livestock. She loved the smell of the freshly mowed grass mixed with the foul smelling animals, it was revoltingly sweet. It was also strangely familiar and comforting. She brushed that thought aside, she couldn't be bringing up feeling familiarities when Alby was only just beginning to like her.

'Why didn't you tell anyone your name?' Alby asked casually, realising they were now friends and that he could ask her questions like that. Brianna sucked in a dry breath and noticed Newt lingering by her side, wanting to catch her every word. She was on thin ice, she knew that at least, so didn't want to argue with Alby.

'When I woke up, I wasn't where I fell asleep. I was somewhere else and I was scared. Then I saw Newt and he looked nice enough me but everything had changed. I could see that people weren't relaxed with me being here. I wanted to withhold the one thing I knew until I could trust you, because it was so obvious you guys didn't trust me.'

'We bloody do now.' Newt cheered, clapping her on the back gently and Alby laughed, happy that the reason was fear and nothing more. He liked her and he trusted her, but he didn't trust the creators with anything they say or do. Let alone what they make people write on their arms.

'Which is why I told you my bloody name.' She sneered and he folded his arms mockingly, pouting that she mocked his overuse of the word "bloody".

They led her to a table and they sat down, digging into the food Frypan had made and for the first time since her arrival in the Glade, Brianna didn't hate them as much. She almost liked it.

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