Chapter 27

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Thanks for reading! So the last chapter was unintentionally similar to Divergent and I must admit I have read the book and seen the movie- but I hadn't associated the two and this was a complete accident- my sincere apologies.
Anyway, please vote and comment. However, I regret to announce that I'm on holiday with no wifi very soon, so I don't think I can update for a little longer... But once I get back I'll update two or three chapters really quickly- so sorry!

'So, how do you like the Glade, Greenie?" Brianna asked casually, plopping into the seat beside Thomas. When joining the Glade, most Greenies know what job they want or at least narrow it down to a few, but Thomas seemed to hate everything he did. Nothing seemed to appeal to Thomas yet. 'What kind of job do you want?'

Thomas ran his hand through his hair awkwardly, pulling at the ends as if embarrassed. Brianna tried to avoid judging people as much as possible and Thomas knew this, so his reluctance to tell her startled her. Sighing, he replied hesitantly, 'Well... erm... you'd probably just laugh at me or call me a "shuck face" or whatever they do here.'

Brianna laughed at his confusion at Glader slang, but gently squeezed his shoulder and smiled at him. She then said confidently and assuringly, 'I won't laugh at you or call you "shuck face". It can't be that bad, everyone in the Glade does there part, you just have to find your part in the Glade.'

Thomas sighed heavily, his eyes averting from the floor to finally and briefly meet Brianna's, like he wasn't sure of himself. 'I-it's just, everyone else thinks it's impossible and I'm being ridiculous...'

Brianna thought about this for a long moment, realising how everyone treated her when she arrived in the Glade. 'Thomas, when I arrived everyone thought I couldn't help because I was a girl, but I was determined to prove them wrong. I'm sure whatever your thinking you can do, Thomas. I promise I won't laugh.'

Thomas nodded. 'Good that.' He grunted and then, as if he couldn't resist not telling her anymore, he fumbled over his words and spluttered, 'I feel like I came here for a purpose, like I was destined to be a runner. I want to be a runner, Brianna. I feel like I'm meant to be a runner.'

Brianna stayed quiet for a long moment, replaying his words in her mind, slowing them down to decipher what he was trying to say. Eventually, she whispered, 'I see...'

'I told you.' Thomas said exasperated, looking down at his hands in annoyance. 'You may not have laughed but, just like the other Gladers, you don't think I can do it, especially because I'm a Greenie.'

'Seriously?' Brianna said, verging on anger that he immediately assumed that she would suggest not being a runner. 'Thomas, I think that's great!' Brianna gushed.

'You really think so?' Thomas mumbled, looking both shocked and embarrassed. 'You think I can do it? You think I can become a runner?'

'Sure,' Brianna shrugged, beaming up at him as his frown slowly transformed to the biggest smile she had ever seen. 'I was once a runner, until Newt and Alby made me stop when I was injured by a Griever. Ever since then I've been trying to convince them otherwise. I'm sure that if you keep persevering, you can become a runner just like I did.'

'You were a runner?' Thomas asked confused, his eyes widening as he suddenly understood why Brianna was still trying to figure out which job she wanted.

Brianna laughed at his surprise. 'I know what you're thinking, but I was a runner and I really loved it. The danger, the excitement, the prospect of finding a way out... I'd do anything to get back in the game and I hope you can do that too. Minho knows when he's found a good runner, you just have to prove to everyone that you can do it.'

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