Chapter 41

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I was really pleased to finally write this chapter because I love the parts when the characters are in the maze- it gives it a really interesting plot line and makes it different from other romance novels (except the whole only girl thing).
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Brianna held her head high as she walked across the Glade, tossing her hair back as she went. If any of the dozing Gladers woke and saw her being inconspicuous, they would probably suspect she was doing something she shouldn't. Which is true. Because Brianna was on her way to the maze, something very few people were brave enough to do and only a few people could try out. Brianna was brave and valiant, but her intelligence only to an extent, she thought she could outrun the maze even though she was just beginning to walk as she usually would.

'You sure you wanna do this, Shuck-face?' Came a voice directly to her left. She swallowed the lump in her throat, not bothering to turn to face him. She knew it was Minho and Thomas would be with him too. Brianna held her breath before replying, counting to three and then exhaling deeply.

'Of course,' She shrugged confidently, 'I know what I am capable of more than Newt and Alby. If the first law is that everyone must do their part, then I am certain this is where I fit in the equation.' She turned to face Minho and Thomas then, 'You know you're the only one that can stop me, right?'

Thomas laughed. 'No I'm not, you're the only one that can stop you. Even if I forbid you from entering the maze, you'd do it anyway. Not because you like defying people, because you know it's the right thing to do.'

Brianna shook her head as they walked past Deadheads, not wanting to draw too much attention to themselves. 'Minho, you've earned your respect, your judgement is final. Not because I respect you, not because I worship you, but because I know that out of all the people in the Glade, you know what makes a runner tick. You know my strengths and my limits, unlike Newt and Alby, and, most importantly, you wouldn't get rid of a runner without a suitable reason.'

Minho smiled at the flattery, but thought for a moment about her words. 'So your wiling to risk your life in the maze AND defy Alby and your shuck face boyfriend Newt?' His words were riddled with doubt, but Brianna remained adamant.

'It's not that I don't respect them, it's just that I know what I have to do. I will sleep in the slammer for a month, so long as during the day I can run. I won't let something like this go, not even if people hate me, not even if I am punished, not even-' she ranted harshly, until Minho sharply interrupted her.

'Not even if you disappoint Newt?' Thomas demanded, raising an eyebrow. He could see straight through them that they may only have been together for a few days, but they meant more to each other than that. She meant the world to him and he meant the world to her. It seemed strange for her to disregard his opinion so easily.

Brianna didn't reply. She didn't have to, Minho and Thomas already knew her answer, or she wouldn't be there. She wished she didn't have to disobey his wishes, but she had to. She wishes that he let her be a runner, but there was nothing she could do about it. Her relationship with Newt was strong, she just wished it was unbreakable, she just had to talk to Newt when she returned.

'C'mon, people'll start waking up soon,' Minho noted

The icy fear and panic swept across Brianna face as they stepped through the large walls, holding her breath as they slid open. This was it. Either she would die, be injured or come back to Newt's dispointment. She wasn't sure which was worse.

'Brianna, if Newt, Alby or these other shanks start blaming me, I'll kill ya before the Grievers can,' Minho teased, but all the same Brianna felt entirely responsible for his fate. What if Newt was angry at Minho and Thomas? What if he really was doubting her judgement? She couldn't bear it if Minho was blamed for her foolishness, but little did she knew Minho was willing to take the blame. He would sacrifice his reputation and even endure a night of the Slammer for one of his runners, particularly Brianna, whom he was beginning to become close friends with.

Minho and Thomas laughed at his own joke, easing the tension as they made their way through the paths to the maze and possible awaiting Grievers. They seemed surprisingly at ease about the whole situation and comfortable with the fact that Brianna hadn't done any running in a week, something Brianna really envied.

Brianna didn't even need anything to happen that day. All that would be a success was if she made it back in the same state as she left, with no scratches and way before the walls closed. Then at least Newt and Alby would know she was ready even if they did punish her.

Minho and Thomas occasionally stole glances at Brianna, checking she was secure with their speed and comfortable. However she showed no signs of exhaustion or uncomfortable movements, keeping a steady pace with Minho and feeling frustrated whenever she noticed him slow down.

Brianna was beginning to grow accustom to the maze, but after a week without it, it suddenly felt different. The sounds of their shuffling feet echoed across the walls and the flashes of red light from the beetle blades flashed more menacingly- Brianna believed the creators to be intrigued by the prospect of her disobeying Newt and Alby.

Defiantly, she picked up the pace, startling Minho and Thomas slightly, and insisted on running to the point of creating a stinging pain in her ankle. She didn't gasp or falter in her footsteps, wanting more than anything to prove to the creators that she was strong and to prove to Thomas and Minho that even girls can be strong.

'Doing ok?' Thomas asked from her side. Her head snapped across to him and she shrugged.

'Fine, thanks, can't wait to meet my old friends of blubber and steel- do you think they missed me?' She replied curtly and Thomas and Minho chuckled slightly, intrigued by her intrepidity.

'Don't worry, Shuck-face, just stay close to me and Tommy, don't wander off and you'll be just fine,' He sent her a reassuring smile but she didn't return it, not wanting to slip into the damsel-in-distress once again. The Gladers had to see her as one of them, even if it meant offending Minho.

'Ah, yes, my knights in shining armour. What, you think I can't handle a spear by myself?' She replied, almost in a snap. But, thankfully, Minho and Thomas only laughed at this, his eyes glued ahead of him, as if watching the maze for its secrets. Even after years of running, Minho didn't trust that the maze wouldn't reveal any surprises.

As a matter of fact, Minho and Thomas both thought the complete opposite. Brianna had shown complete confidence, intrepidity and valiant behaviour since entering the maze and he didn't for once doubt her ability to defend herself. Besides, her downfall was slipping and not outsmarting the Greivers. 'Of course not, I was just trying to be nice.'

Every step seemed agonising for Brianna. All of her courage had been swept away, to be replaced by sheer doubt and dread. What if the Grievers were waiting for them? Perhaps her destiny was never to Save Newt now that she was the one needing to be saved. She pushed that thought aside, not wanting to ponder her dreams when her undivided attention should be on the maze in all of its glory.

So, not overthinking everything, Brianna ran swiftly and elegantly through the maze, under the bleak, colourless sky of the morning.

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