Chapter 16

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Thanks for reading, please vote and comment, but mostly importantly, enjoy!
There's quite a lot of Brianna and Newt in the next couple of chapters, which I'm very happy about.
Please inform me if there are any grammatical, punctual or spelling mistakes because I'm awful at that!

Brianna had struggled to sleep. Her head was a tangle of shadows and fears. Her heart ached with sadness and a kaleidoscope of memories from the box, to the Glade, to the Gladers, to the meetings, the possibility of the world's suffering and that Newt needed to be saved, whatever from and whoever by through her mind, battling for her attention.

Brianna now knew that she was falling in love because she couldn't fall asleep. Because reality was far better than even her deepest dreams.

'Oww.' Brianna had jumped the next morning, looking down to see Newt's annoyingly long nails digging into her skin. She had been awake for a while now, with Newt's arm clenching her waist, but after a little while, his fingernails had began to intrude into her skin. He had been snoring quite loudly as well, but this sudden jolt of words had been enough to wake him mid-snore.

'Huh?' He mumbled, the groan behind his tone evident. He blinked into her eyes, adjusting his vision until the blurred image became focused. Then a small smile crept onto his lips, 'Brianna?' He beamed in a cheery tone, as if falling asleep with her body limp in his arms didn't strike the possibility of waking the same way.

'Sorry for waking you, but you were hurting me.' Brianna explained lightly, gesturing to her waist and arm, both with indented finger nail marks, piercing her skin badly.

'Oh no!' He exclaimed, lightly kissing the scars and making them both giggle. 'I'm so sorry.'

'It's fine.' Brianna shrugged, which was true, as it was far better than the ones she had previously woken up with.

'I'll make it up to you.' He promised, winking, then hurriedly put his shirt over his head and left the room. Left by the only company she would have all day because she was supposed to rest (except when a med-jack brought her some food they both knew that she wouldn't consume, or even touch), Brianna began to amble towards her dresser.


Newt glanced nervously at the random flowers scattered into a bunch of purples, whites, pinks and greens as he walked towards her room. They seemed unorganised and ugly to him, but he knew Brianna would appreciate them. If she wanted, he would give her an entire field of roses for her to pick and make necklaces with. But he knew, one flower or thousands, she would love him the same.

There were two med-jacks slumped around the entrance to her room with a thick glare, that they immediately turned to a sickly sugar-coated smile as he walked towards them. Immedately, they dashed off without instruction, easily able to predict his next move.

Newt took a deep nervous breath before brining his hand towards the door. He desperately wanted her to enjoy the flowers.

'I'm not hungry.' Brianna stated simply, lifting her head to see Newt walk in with the tray of food. She sighed, not expecting him, but still loathing what he was carrying as it was both tempting and despicable, she didn't feel like eating anymore. 'I didn't know it was you.'

He ignored her comment, tossing her an apple, which she easily let fall to the ground. He sighed, defeated by her stubbornness, but there was still a twinkle of a devious plan in his eyes, something Brianna was sure she could sense.

'I thought these would make you feel right at home.' He smiled hopefully, handing her a bouquet of asters, glowing with the soft pastels of mauves and pinks; fresh, pearl white daisies with a saffron centre; fragrant, violet heliotrope and fresh water lilies, similar to those growing by the river bank, surrounded by verdure. But no aconite, her favourite. This was probably because they were poisonous. A poisoned life would somehow make this worse.

Still, she loved these flowers and struggled to hold back tears of glee. But her smile was enough for him to tell she loved them.

'Thank you, they're very beautiful.' She mumbled politely, trying to keep her voice emotionless.

'Not as beautiful as you.' He beamed, handing her the flowers. She accepted them wordlessly, smiling slightly as their hands briefly touched. Since their kiss, they had found it too awkward to talk, unsure of whether they liked each other or liked each other. She tried to remain still and collective, but let her hand caress the soft petals of each flower.

'Thank you for staying with me, I didn't realise you would. I thought you would hate me for being do stupid.'

'That's ok, anything for you. I do not hate you anyway, I just want you to understand that.' He replied carefully, choosing his words with fastidious care.

Brianna's eyes wandered from the flowers to his own, 'Is it true what you said earlier? Do you love me?'

'I-I-I-' he stuttered and Brianna smiled slightly, amused by his awkwardness. 'Bloody hell! I didn't realise, you were unconscious!' He exclaimed frustrated and Brianna laughed again.

'It's ok.' She reassured him.

'No it's not, because I would never want to say it like that.' He sighed frustrated. 'I wanted to tell a girl I loved her when she could hear me and say it back, bloody creators, I...' He trailed off in a rant, before Brianna interrupted him.

'I love you too.' Brianna replied, her body shifting closer to his body. She felt the lump in her throat once again. What was it? Anxiety that he didn't share her love for him? Did he share her love? 'I don't care what people say when we're together, I just want it to be you and me forever. I know that it's a little bit frightening, we might as well have been playing with fire.' He chuckled humourlessly at me, knowing it could end with pain and even death.

'I love you too.' He replied. Newt promised himself that when the wind was blowing in her face and the skies are of the darkest blue, he would always offer her a warm embrace, to keep her by his side for eternity. 'Always.'

'You have my heart,' She whispered truthfully, bringing her face closer to his, so Newt could feel her warm, mint-scented breath on his cheek, tickling against his skin slightly. 'Always and forever.' He promised.

Then his lips came towards her plump, pale pink lips. It wasn't the passionate kisses they shared in the tree, but it was more romantic than that. Newt could sense the heavy panting in her breath, refusing to break away. He could taste the salty essence of tears on her lips, tears that they both share in the knowledge that every day was their last time together.

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