Chapter 38

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Thanks for waiting so long when I was at a funeral, but I have managed to write another chapter when I was travelling.
This chapter is so cute, I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Brianna hadn't seen Newt since Thomas, Minho and Alby returned. Sometimes she felt guilty about what she said, but she was just trying to figure out what to do. Whenever she was stressed, she would go to Newt first (but obviously not now) and if not she would see Minho, or more recently, Thomas. But neither Minho or Thomas would be suitable right now.

Brianna slipped behind the tree, enjoying the silence that came while everyone else was consuming all the food Frypan had made. She brought her knees up and tucked them under her chin, releasing a heavy sigh.

Minho and Thomas had spent all of the following afternoon with Brianna, since Minho was too exhausted to run and Thomas had to attend a Gathering, which Brianna also didn't attend. She was grateful to have such good friends, but they appreciated that she wanted privacy and went to dinner alone.

She felt someone sit down beside her, but didn't check who it was. She knew it was Newt because she could feel him watching the way only Newt did. She wished he didn't sit there, because it was becoming increasingly hard for her to hate him.

'What are you doing here in the deadheads, a Glader graveyard?' Came the strong voice from behind her, jolting her from her nostalgic memories. She liked being alone, but his presence always comforted her, even when she pretended to hate him and in reality didn't like him.

'Counting the people that died, Newt. Because I know more will die when we try to escape, just like what almost happened today. How many more, Newt? How many more will die to get out of the Glade?'

'They didn't die in vain, Brianna. They died trying to help us all out. Everyone that'll be there tomorrow, ready to face another day, will be there because they have something to fight for, because they have something to die for that's worth more than their life.'

'But it's not just the dead, is it? It's all of their Glader friends who'll remember them. A graveyard is a place for broken hearts.' Brianna said softly and Newt thought about this for a moment and didn't reply, just linked hands and fingers with her own because that's all she needed. Brianna didn't need a force of reason or persuasion, she needed encouragement. And in that moment, silence settled upon them. The silence never moved, or rejoiced, or danced, or sung, it just lingered there like an unwanted spirit.

'You look beautiful today.' Brianna raised an eyebrow, badly attempting to look unaffected by his presence and words.

Brianna's teared eyes met his, barely able to contain the painful need to cry onto his shoulder. He may currently be her enemy, but he always had a place in her heart. His strong, muscular arm weaved its way behind her shoulder and gently wrapped her back soothingly. Brianna felt frighteningly relaxed. Gladly sad. Confidently scared.

She snuggled into his warmth, letting it wash over her as he draped a folded blanket across her body. He smiled weakly and tearfully, the confident atmosphere that usually lingered around him had vanished, leaving a soulless, empty being that didn't live, but survived.

'Brianna, I know right now that you're indifferent towards me, but please know that I love you. Forever.' He promised, never failing to smooth her hair and smoother her back with comforting hugs and circling rubs.

Her ears heard more than he said.

Brianna looked down at their entwined fingers, reminding herself of the first time our fingers met. It was then that she realised that part of her loved this part of him. He made a promise from the start that he'd be faithful and true, never giving up on her even when sometimes it is tough.

And, even in this broken darkness, Brianna saw him perfectly and he saw her. They saw all the things that they had been through, every day from the start and up to now and Brianna smiled every time that he was around. Even when life get's tough, he's a solider, he's her best friend until the end. And Brianna knew from the start when she entered the Glade that he stole her heart, even though it wasn't his to take.

'I have something to say.' Newt said quietly, but firmly and Brianna silently groaned. She now realised that Thomas and Minho had most certainly told Newt where she was and internally groaned, making a mental note to confront them later.

'Save your breath, Newt, I don't want to hear it.' Brianna mumbled, sitting up and trying to stand before Newt grabbed her arm.

'But I'm going to say it anyway, Bri, so you might as well listen.' He said firmly and gently, but forcefully, yanked her arm and pulled her down to sit beside him again. 'I was a jealous shuck-faced shank today, Bri, and I hate myself for it. You and Minho and Thomas are close friends, and that's ok, because it makes them happy, so I'm happy. I guess I start to feel what you feel, your pain, your sorrow, your happiness, your guilt and I could see how much it hurt you to see them not return like that.' Newt's voice began breaking and he averted his gaze from Brianna, trying hard not to cry. 'I love you so much and your going through so much and I'm a selfish Slint Head. Please, come back to me.'

Newt took Brianna's hand, making her head snap back towards him. They both locked eyes and saw that each other were crying.

'Ok, Newt, you are the shuckiest boyfriend ever, which makes me an even shuckier girlfriend to love you for it.' Brianna teased and Newt caressed her cheek with his rift thumb, missing the feel of her soft, delicate skin.

'I love you so bloody much.' He smiled against her lips, hovering over them anxiously. Newt didn't want to make a false move and kiss Brianna before she wanted him to.

'I think I love you too, Newt.' Brianna replied, her body shifting closer to his body. She felt the lump in her throat once again. 'I know that it's a little bit frightening, sometimes I feel like the danger of our love makes it seem like we might as well be playing with fire.' He chuckled humourlessly at her, knowing their love could end with pain and even death.

'I love you too.' Newt replied, bringing his face closer to her own, so that he could feel Brianna's warm, mint-scented breath on his cheek, tickling against his skin slightly. 'Forever.'

Then his lips came towards her plump, pale pink lips. It wasn't a particularly passionate kiss, it was just perfectly romantic. Newt could sense the heavy panting in her breath, refusing to break away. He could taste the salty essence of tears on her lips, tears that they both shared in the knowledge that every day could be their last time together.

When he kissed her for the first time since they broke up and made up again, Brianna experienced life in the most shattering way.

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