Chapter 43

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Minho and Thomas raced through the maze, through all of the twists and turns until they pelted through the entrance. 'Newt! Alby! Get the med-jacks, she's been stung!' Minho yelled, half-carrying-half-dragging her body across the Glade.

Newt was on her in a second, tears stinging his eyes as he inspecting her. He didn't want to say anything to Minho, but he was angrier than ever with the two of them. Newt rolled her off Thomas and Minho's shoulders and ordered them to help him carry her to the med-jacks. Ben was through the maze a few seconds later, telling Minho he heard her scream and was able to help carry her.

Soon enough Alby and the med-jacks came hurtling through he field, carrying all kinds of equipment with them. But Brianna barely concentrated as she was transported through the Glade, the world spinning.

'What were you doing?' Newt instantly yelled in her face as he, Ben, Thomas and Minho laid her down on a bed, holding her down by the shoulders as the med-jacks mover around her, performing medical practices that were painful, but bearable. 'You could have been bloody killed, Brianna do you hear me? Killed! What were thinking running at a bloody Griever like that!'

'No... Newt... You don't understand... I wanted to run....' She winced as her body faded into darkness, just as she heard Minho, Newt and Alby discussing matters she didn't really care about right then.

The tower of thick mist moved towards her, either that or she moved toward it. She tried to stay strong and stared deep into Newt's eyes, but her own were misting over and she could barely comprehend what was happening.

And then, it consumed her, taking over her mind, memories clearing her vision. And then, everything else turned to a collection of unbearable agonies.


Save Newt. Those two words rang in her ears and for the first time in forever, she was beginning to understand them.

'Brianna? Can you hear me? Brianna, please don't die...' Came the soft whispers of Newt, seeming to echo throughout her mind like a tunnel.

Newt, believing it to be his fault, hadn't left her side since she got the serum. Minho, Thomas, Alby, Chuck, Ben, Frypan once or twice. Gally had visited once, feeling guilty about the fight and what he had said, but when he found Newt there, left promptly. And most frequently the med-jacks had often come in. Otherwise Newt would talk mostly to Alby about what should be done.

Suddenly everything came crashing into Brianna's mind, overwhelming her senses. The Glade, the maze, the Grievers, Minho, Alby, Gally, Thomas, Ben, Frypan, Chuck and even Newt. Then the more recent memories of the stinging, the pain, the changing. Memories.

Groaning, she forced her eyes to open and be blinded by the bright lights from the window, suggesting that she had been unconscious for at least twenty-four hours. She blinked into Newt's face, as her vision cleared, she could see his eyes were puffing and red with tears, but despite the circumstances, he was smiling down at her.

'She's awake!' He croaked, the yelled to no one in particular, 'Brianna's awake!'

Under normal circumstances, Brianna would have laughed, but her throat was too dry and her heart racing too fast for that. She was alive, it was as if she couldn't believe it. She pushed herself upward into a seated position, resting her back against the board.

Newt beamed down at her, then mumbled something about Alby, Thomas and Minho, who were sitting a little way from her, before racing out of the room. Bewildered, she let her eyes wander the scenery. For the next few minutes, she lay absolutely still, not saying or mumbling a word. She swallowed and breathed slowly, wondering how long it would take before she could leave and go to meet everyone. It turned out that everyone seemed to be coming to her.

'Brianna!' Minho and Thomas yelled, and side-by-side they collapsing on top of her, pulling her into a tight sandwich embrace. Brianna tried to muster the words to complain about their enormous bear hug and the fact she could barely breathe, but the words wouldn't form, but she was saved by Clint.

'Minho, Thomas, I need to check her,' Clint complained, moving forwards and shooting her a warm smile, which she returned. Minho and Thomas bounced back (Thomas complaining that he bashed his head on Minho's chin, making Brianna laugh hysterically) and joined Alby and Gally who were stood watching the situation closely and in a reserved manner. Clint stepped closer, dabbing a cold water towel onto her forehead and asked, 'How are you doing, Shank?'

'I feel like I've been to hell and back, it's aching all over,' She groaned, her throat still dry, and Clint smiled again. Brianna tried to move, but her muscles were too tense for that. 'How long have I been out?'

'Three days,' Alby replied behind her. She bit her lip at his cold expression, angry that she disobeyed him. There was nothing she could do now and she was determined to speak to Newt.

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