Chapter 35

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Brianna woke up the following morning alone. Newt had gone out to talk to Alby and Gally, leaving Brianna alone that morning.

Brianna sat up and rubbed her eyes, before sadly flopping her hands back onto her lap. She wanted to join the runners and run in the maze with Minho that day more than anything, but she knew she couldn't. Huffing, Brianna decided to get a little revenge plan on Newt she knew would work a treat. Grinning mischievously, she slipped on a pair of shares, before throwing on a singlet and putting Newt's long sleeved shirt over the top. Once she had changed she made her way towards breakfast.

Brianna casually glided into the seat beside Chuck, Thomas and Frypan, since all the other runners were running and their other friends were on some kind of second-in-command duty , in the case of Alby and Newt.

'Is that Newt's shirt?' Chuck asked Brianna, frowning at it as she glided onto the seat opposite him and beside some of the other Gladers, an extremely confused expression plastered across his face.

'Yeah.' Brianna admitted blushing a little as she pulled the log sleeves over her hands and rested her chin on them.

'Hey, I thought we were the only one allowed to wear his shirts!' Thomas joked beside her, nudging her side as the they giggled. In return, Brianna nudged his right shoulder as a punishment for being so cheeky about her boyfriend.

'Did you see the other runners out this morning before you got Thomas ready?' Brianna asked as casually as possible, once Thomas, Frypan and Chuck had stopped almost crying with laughter.

'Nah, but we saw Newt. He says that he loves you and is sorry that he had to step in for Alby for the minute.' Thomas shrugged, shovelling food eagerly into his mouth and smiling to himself at how adorable the pair was.

'Aww.' Brianna cooed, her smile widening. 'He's so adorable, I love him so much.'

'So you tell us every day.' Frypan teased her, sending her a cheeky smile which Brianna just scowled at.

'Oh!' Thomas exclaimed suddenly, remembering something. His eyes squinted together, fitting the parts of the memory until he had something that actually made sense. 'He also told us that he wanted you to know that he kissed you goodbye, but didn't want to wake you up.'

'Aww.' Brianna repeated and Thomas rolled his eyes teasingly.

Thomas smirked into his dinner, alerting Brianna and the others that he was going to make another funny remark about their bromance, particularly before Brianna arrived, 'Never kisses me goodbye in the morning.' Despite the fact he mumbled it, they all heard perfectly well and roared with laughter. 'I'm joking! I'm joking!' Thomas chocked out between laughs, but everyone knew.

'I really gotta stop eating with you guys when Newt's not here, otherwise one day I'll choke on my food and that'll be that.' Brianna said dramatically, shaking her head as she continued to laugh at the boys and the fact that Chuck was laughing so hard that he had started snorting.

Newt suddenly emerged from homestead, laughing with one of the med-jacks and handing him a bucket of water, before he spotted Brianna. Brianna stood up and began jogging towards him. He excused himself from the conversation and sprinted towards her as fast as he could, slamming into her and lifting her off the ground, spinning her around and around.

Brianna laughed at him while he spun her in the air, eventually placing her gently back on the ground and beaming down at her. 'Is that my shirt?' He giggled, pulling at some of the material near her shoulder, then putting his hands around he back of her neck.

'Yeah,' Brianna blushed a light shade of pink, suddenly remembering that she had put it on.

'Well, you look adorable, Love.' His lips brushed against Brianna's as he spoke, teasing her.

'I missed you, Bri,' newt admitted softly, moving his hands from around her neck to around her waist, pulling her closer to him and making her giggle as he did so.

'I missed you too, Newtie,' Brianna whispered back, just audible enough for him to hear her and kissed her tenderly on the lips.

'Oh,' he broke the kiss suddenly, looking into her eyes. 'I want my shirt back,' he smiled at her.

'No, I don't think so,' Brianna disagreed stubbornly, shaking her head to emphasise this and thus making their noses brush lightly against each other.

'Oh dear, well if seems like I'll just have to find another way of getting it off you then, huh?' He smirked teasingly, as he rubbed his right thumb up and down the middle of Brianna's back, but she refused to give in and accept his challenge.

'Good luck with that,' She scoffed confidently, raising her eyebrows and making Newt laugh. 'It smells like you.'

'Come on.' He flicked his head towards their bedroom and let her go, grabbing Brianna's hand instead. 'If you get to keep my shirt, then I can get cuddles and kisses whenever I want.' He dragged her gently behind him and Brianna laughed.

'Fine by me.' She agreed, jogging to his side, before turning to walk backwards in front of him. Newt raised an eyebrow until Brianna stopped him walking by putting her hands on his chest, causing him to freeze and stop breathing, just like every time before. But Brianna kissed his neck, bringing him back to reality as his hands securely returned to her waist and kissed her gently on the lips.

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