Chapter 48

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However, just as all hope was about to be lost, she felt two muscular arms caught her mid thought, just seconds after he had begun to climb the tree. Brianna was astonished by what she saw. Her eyes peeled open to stare deeply into his own eyes.

Still in a daze, she felt her fragile body collide fiercely with the body of her saviour as he hoisted her closer to him. Newt began to climb swiftly and quickly towards the floor, at a mighty speed. She had no idea that he was so skilled with this kind of thing.

Brianna hovered in the air, gently wrapping her arms around him, with one hand around her waist, Newt pulled Brianna closer towards him and let her catch her breath before placing her securely on the ground.

'Now are you going to tell me what you were doing half way up a tree?' Newt teased, smoothing the hair from her face to see it was a mess of knots and tangles with dried, salty tears. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her slender fingers grabbing a fistful of his grey t-shirt and pulling it so tightly he was surprised it didn't break, to the extent that her knuckles were turning white.

Brianna shrugged, but Newt knew better, she was scared. 'You can open your eyes now, you're safe.' Brianna cautiously peeled open her eyes, letting the bright light secure her vision. She buried her face closer to his body and soon more tears were springing from her eyes.

'Ok?' He asked letting her go and they both perched themselves on the tree, awaiting her reply in perfect, blissful silence.

'Newt?' Brianna asked suddenly, the whites of her eyes the only thing visible in the darkness of the night. Newt blinked twice, rubbing the back of his neck and blinking down at her, his hair messily sticking up at all directions.

'What is it?' He asked gruffly, his morning voice scratchy and deep. He swung his legs off of the branch of the tree and turned his undivided attention on her.

'During the changing, I saw things, Newt. Things I'm not proud of and things I am worried about...' Brianna trailed off stubbornly, watching Newt closely as he swung his legs over the branches of the tree and heaved himself up.

'What kind of things?' He asked and she sighed, running a hand through her blonde hair that was undone at her shoulder. Usually she tied it in a braid, but when she slept she preferred it down and natural. Newt watched her closely; her two trainers, one lace undone and the other tied in a neat bow; her faded navy blue jeggings, torn slightly at the left knee to expose a slice of her flawless skin beneath it; the oversized t-shirt that hung loosely over one shoulder, one of his that he leant her when she had nothing to sleep in and she refused to sleep in anything else since then, the edges tied together with an elastic band on the right hand side, giving it a ruffled design and emphasising her figure; her wavy blonde hair that, despite the light, still shone and made her pale complexion seem even lighter; her soft, plump pink lips, that he remembered to be so tender and perfect and her blue shimmering eyes, speckled with white. All these little things added up to his beautiful girlfriend Brianna.

He lay down on the branch of the tree, looking up at the sky. 'I remembered what I wrote on my arm Newt.' She said slowly and he swallowed, not wanting to know the rest, but similarly he was eager to know what he needed to be saved from.

'And?' He prompted when it was clear she wasn't going to continue.

'And I want you to promise not to tell anyone until I know for sure, ok?' Newt nodded once, almost disregarding this statement. He knew, like she had done, that he would keep his promises as much as she kept his: to only keep them if you know it was the right thing to do.

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