Chapter 31

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Whispers erupted from the crowd of keepers, turning to one another and discussing what Thomas just revealed. But Brianna didn't catch anything that they said, but she wasn't really listening. Her attention was completely wiped and she sat still, feeling Newt's grip on her waist and hand tighten. He was holding her much more protectively now and, no matter how annoying it may be, Brianna felt herself snuggle up even closer into him.

Gally's hands were shaking and his face somehow became a brighter shade of red. Brianna's eyes met Thomas's in shock that he had harmed another Glader because he had said something horrible about her. She sent Minho a small smile, who was intently watching her reaction to check she was ok, then turned to Alby again.

'Slim it, shanks!' Came a British voice beside her. Newt looked even more hurt than she was, turning to face her in shock and pity. He hated anyone insulting his girlfriend, particularly Gally.

'Gally, is this true?' Alby asked firmly, not wanting to jump to conclusions after Thomas's words. Alby was a good leader and was both controlling and just. He wouldn't punish someone without checking the facts.

Gally looked hurt and uneasy, suddenly looking guilty by what he said. 'Well... I... I didn't mean it like that... I just... Yes.' He said eventually.

Everyone remained silent and stared at Gally, there faces solemn. Newt brought Brianna back to reality by gently kissing her cheek tenderly. She sent him a small smile, before averting her attention completely onto Gally. 'What did you say?'

There was a deafening silence and nobody seemed to want to break it. Gally looked awkwardly at the flor, refusing to make eye contact with anyone, especially Brianna.

Alby seemed to have noticed this silence, but before he could speak, Thomas said sternly, 'It doesn't matter, Brianna.'

Brianna heard more than he said. She realised that he didn't want her to know because it could hurt her. Brianna realised just how awful what Gally said was. All eyes met Brianna's, watching for her reaction. But she didn't give them anything except stare at the same floor Gally was staring at, feeling self conscious.

'Alright.' Alby said eventually, breaking the silence carefully. He hadn't said much, except prompting people, so he hadn't voiced any opinions yet. 'Gally will receive two nights in the pit and Thomas, for harming another Glader, will receive one night in the pit. Dismissed.'

The keepers all filed out quickly, leaving Brianna, Newt, Alby, Gally and Thomas behind.

Brianna let out a sigh of relief that it was over. She didn't realise that she had been crying until Newt gasped softly and caught her tears with his thumb. He sent her an adorable smile, kissing away the last few tears, and standing up to go and talk to Alby, leaving Brianna, Gally and Thomas behind him.

Gally remained quiet for a moment, unable to reach Brianna's gaze. 'That was a fair punishment.' Thomas said eventually, standing up to stretch out his muscles.

'C'mon.' Alby said, leading Thomas and Gally to the pit. Brianna felt sorry for them, but she couldn't help but wonder what Gally said about her. She decided to ask Thomas later, in case it was something he thought was just too bad to say in front of the Gladers.

'Are you alright?' Newt asked her from her left. Slowly, she lifted her head into a small nod.

'Yeah, just a little surprise I suppose. I'll be ok.' Brianna wasn't particularly girly or pathetic, she was very strong willed, which confused some of the Gladers, but she didn't mind

'If your going to lie to me, at least make it less obvious.' Newt teased, linking a hand around her waist and winking. Brianna laughed and started to walk towards the garden with him, having been told that perhaps working in the kitchens with dead animals and blood, much like with the med-jacks and the slicers, wasn't the best idea for her.

Brianna began weeding her section of the garden again, having tested Newt's patience to the limit as she had no idea what a weed looked like in comparison to an average plant. Alby ran up to her, looking stern, but also out of breath.

'Thomas asked if you wouldn't mind talking to him.' Alby said looking at her straight in the eyes. Brianna looked back down at her weeds, then dropped the trowel and looked up at Alby. Brianna didn't really want to see anyone involved in fight, even Thomas. She knew what he was going to say and she honestly didn't want to hear it. 'Look I can tell him you don't want to see him, or to wait until tomorrow if you like...?'

'No.' Brianna said eventually, standing up from where she was knelt down and brushing off the grass stains from her pans. She sighed as they inevitably wouldn't come off. There was no way she wanted to be a gardener with pants like that. 'I'll have to see him tomorrow, I may as well see him now.'

Alby nodded to show that he agreed it was the right decision and she followed Alby across the Glade, feeling the weight of the world on her shoulders. Just as they came to the cages, Alby excused himself discretely and walked off.

Hesitating, Brianna knelt down in front of the cage before Thomas and sighed heavily. 'Umm... Hey Thomas.'

Thomas beamed up at her. 'I didn't think you'd come!'

'Well, here I am.' She smiled, remembering why Thomas was one of her closest friends again. No matter what happens, she knew that Thomas would always find a way of cheering her up again.

'I thought I'd say sorry, Bri. If I hadn't have got mad then you wouldn't have been hurt and everything would have been better now...' Thomas sighed, running his hand through his hair. Brianna had been listening politely, but every word he said made her feel sick.

'Thomas, none of it matters anymore.' She said urgently. 'You stood up for me and I just am so grateful you did that for me.' He smiled wearily up at her, but Brianna had a lot more to say. 'You're one of my closest friends, Thomas, and I really value your friendship, because you would do this for me. But please, don't resort to violence.'

'I know.' Thomas winced. 'I was just so angry about the situation and about what Gally said. I just wanted to protect you. I'm sorry I resulted to violence, I really wish I hadn't.'

'I know, Thomas.' Brianna said calmly, her heart almost breaking that he was in the pit and was hurt by Gally trying to protect her. 'But if I hadn't have stopped Gally, then you could be in so much more trouble. Haven't I told you enough times to just put the gun down?'

'You have,' Thomas agreed smoothly. 'But in order for me to put the gun down, I have to pick it up first.'

Brianna laughed at this and for the rest of the afternoon, they just sat there talking for hours, trying to pass the time in the pit and make it as enjoyable for Thomas as possible. And, most importantly, Brianna remembered how to feel again.

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