Chapter 37

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Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. There's quite a lot of drama in this chapter
Today I am going to my Grandmother's funeral, so I will be unable to update until Tuesday 😢. But because I will be with my family doing very little, I hopefully will be able to write another part and won't need to write another on Wednesday. Thank you for your patience and kindness and your support with my story- I really appreciate every vote and comment you make.

Angry at how pathetic she was, Brianna vigorously wiped the furious tears from her cheeks.

Having been sitting there patiently all night with her, Newt let out an exasperated sigh, 'Nice to know I matter.'

It was so quiet and Brianna knew she wasn't supposed to hear it, but nothing could have been quiet enough for her not to hearing it as they were so close. Turning around sharply in anger, Brianna snapped, 'What did you say.'

'Brianna, calm down. All I meant was that you have me, I'd appreciate it if you worried about me half as much as you worry about Minho and Thomas, especially Thomas.' He said, grasping her hands. Newt had never sounded so annoyed, like Brianna was a burden to him.

She pulled her hands from his and leapt to her feet, firing back, 'You aren't trapped in the maze? You're not probably dead, are you? Thomas and Minho will be running from the Grievers, trying to save Alby and themselves and all you can do is moan about my reaction to this? I can't believe you!'

Brianna strutted away from him and closer to the wall, leaning her head against one of the doors. She was angry with him, but not enough to storm out and abandon her post outside the wall, sobbing.

Newt sighed, exasperated with his girlfriend, 'Wait, Brianna-'

'No!' She exclaimed fiercely, interrupting him. 'We're over!'

Curling up in a ball against the wall, Brianna continued to breath softly until her breath became level once again. And that was where she waited until morning, not moving a muscle or falling asleep.

Time was passing like the memory of watching Thomas run away into the maze, his body becoming a streak, becoming a silhouette, becoming a speck, and then, all of a sudden, becoming a memory. Brianna hoped that Thomas never had to think about friendship and loss the way she thought about him.

There was a loud thud and Brianna's body was thrown to one side. She groaned as her body collided with the hard floor and was about to cry out Newt's name for shoving her off the bed, when suddenly she felt the walls moving and the grind of them opening the maze.

Instantaneously, her body shot up and stood up tall, peering through the widening gap to anticipate Thomas, Alby and Minho's arrival. They had survived the impossible.

'Thomas! Minho! Alby!' Brianna exclaimed as soon as her closest friends came hurtling around the corner of the maze, all alive and carrying Alby. Immediately, Brianna rushed into the maze and helped Thomas and Minho, who were both completely exhausted from running.

She helped haul Alby securely out of the maze, gasping in horror as she realised how awful he looked in this state, having been stung by a Griever. His veins had darkened in colour and he was struggling to breathe. Alby's eyes crept up to look at her, narrowing slightly before they lit up like they had not seen a person, but encountered hope itself: he was safe with Brianna out of the maze. They had survived.

'Brianna, to get the med-jacks, we can carry him from here,' Minho wheezed and, no matter how obvious it was that they couldn't carry him all the way across the Glade, Brianna nodded and hurtled down the Glade.

She practically yanked them out of homestead and towards Alby. Then, as they were running to go help with the cure for the Griever sting, Brianna began waking up anyone who had fallen asleep and didn't know they were here.

Gladers from all over the Glade rushed over to help and to congratulate the three people they were certain would be dead: because no one survives a night in the maze.

Brianna approached them again, her bare feet crunching on the ground below her and her blonde hair gently billowing in the wind. Thomas swallowed, looking at her for a long, disbelieving moment. He almost couldn't believe they had made it.

'Brianna!' Thomas called as the med-jacks took Alby off to get the cure.

Thomas gasped theatrically, racing across the Glade in a very undignified manner towards Brianna. He pulled her close until his body was touching her own and hugged tighter than ever before. They savoured every moment in their massive bear-hug, rocking backwards and forwards, both shaking with sobs and crying the hardest Brianna ever remembered crying.

'I can't believe it, you made it out, Thomas!' Brianna squealed, pulling away startled to inspect him, tears welling inside of her eyes with the largeness of it all. Her friends had not died, as she his suspected, she couldn't be more delighted.

'We sure did, Brianna,' Thomas grinned from ear to ear. Just before returning to the Glade, he had felt like he was on the verge of exhaustion, but seeing everyone so happy seemed to give him some adrenaline energy and he barely felt tired anymore.

'Brianna...?' Brianna stopped dead in her tracks, her heart rate accelerating. She knew that accent anywhere. She looked up to Thomas eagerly and her smile somehow widened knowing that Minho was alright too, running towards her happily.

'Minho..?' Brianna whispered, before spinning around to stand face to face with Minho, his grin wider than she had ever seen it before. His hands pulled her into a tight, brotherly hug and yanked Thomas in as well, to create a sandwich around the giggling Brianna, almost collapsing in fits of laughter and delight.

There could not have been a happier sight when Brianna finally met Minho and Thomas again; but there was none to see it except an obnoxious teenage boy staring across at them, swallowing occasionally. He used to have happiness as boundless as the sea that most other Gladers could never obtain; but he was looking across at the three of them being reunited. Brianna was delighted to see them and the boys were delighted to seeing Brianna, but Newt was forced to look at the one simple joy he had given up: his friendship and love for Brianna.

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