Chapter 24

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Newt's hand shot out, his palm open, waiting for me to take it. Brianna was pulled to her feet, her small smile beaming up at Newt excitedly.

'Well, oh radiant one,' he teased and Brianna rolled her eyes, trying to suppress her excitement for someone who satires the traditional dancing methods. He continued to speak in a voice that no woman has ever yet been able to resist, 'Will you do me the honour of dancing me tonight?'

Taken by surprise, Brianna glanced around the forest bonfire to see that most of the Gladers were smirking and anticipating her answer eagerly, watching them carefully because they were the only couple on the Glade and henceforth, they were supposed to do irrelevant, romantic things like this. The Gladers had always been trying to make romantic occasions for them as best they could and Brianna truly thought it was adorable.

Butterflies erupted inside of her, a feeling Brianna had never encountered before. She giggled nervously, unknowingly bringing a very unwelcome blush on her cheeks. 'I'm not much of a dancer.' She admitted steadily.

'I know that.' Newt winked. 'But I'm afraid that was the wrong answer.' Newt grabbed her wrist, pulling her to her feet and her body collided with his. A small smile reached their lips as they looked at one another.'Please, Love?'

'I would be delighted.' Brianna mumbled shyly, unsure of what to say as she padded after him to the dance floor. There was something about the way he held her arm that made her feel uncomfortable, but almost special in some way. He was holding her like a delicate porcelain doll, his tall muscular frame holding her small one protectively.

They practically ran onto the clearing around the fire, laughing as they went. Brianna stood before him, her eyes locked to his and she quickly removed them from his gaze.

'Are you wearing sturdy, solid shoes?' Brianna questioned, her feet still staring at the floor as she stumbled around clumsily.

'Sturdy shoes? Yes, why?' He asked her in return, his eyes mounting confusion as he led her in the dance.

'Because I've never danced before in my life and I will probably step on your feet multiple times.' Brianna teased. 'I don't want you to be permanently injured.'

'Surely not?' He fake gasped, his eyes growing big in a dramatic manner, then lowered his voice so only Brianna could hear his flattery, 'Your a natural.'

'Thank you, it's a good thing the guys lead the dances though, isn't it?' Brianna grinned, pleasantly surprised this wasn't such a horrendous ordeal after all. He chuckled, spinning her around elegantly.

'Well, you look marvellous today, Miss Brianna.' He smirked, winking at her as they waltzed. It was a tiresome dance, but Brianna felt secure in his arms and finally understood why it was so unbelievably slow.

'Why thank you, Sir Newt.' Brianna smiled in return, delighted that he was such an excellent boyfriend to invite her to dance.

'Please, just call me Newt.' He teased, winking at her as they waltzed awkwardly around the blazing fire. It was a tiresome dance, but Brianna felt secure and precious in his arms and finally understood why it was so unbelievably slow.

'You don't look so bad yourself, Newt.' Brianna mumbled in return. 'I must say, however, that no matter how long I've known you, you still surprise me.'

'Surprise you?' He mused, cocking an eyebrow as they twirled around the fire, noticeably being watched by the other Gladers, who were mostly laughing and mocking them, particularly Gally's crew. They didn't mind, dancing was cute and romantic. 'In what way, Bri?'

'I must say, you are an excellent dancer.' Brianna commented, badly attempting to make small talk. This, of course was true of anyone in the Glade, but his graceful dips and spins caused her to fully loose herself in the moment of being in his arms.

'You're not so bad either, Miss Brianna,' he teased gently. A soft smile platted across her lips.

'I am serious, Miss Brianna, I may feel the urge to take you for the entire night.' He winked and Brianna suppressed the urge to gasp, or scream with delight or let her mouth drop in shock and awe. In fact, she would go as far to say that her heart was beginning to pound. Being the only girl, often the Gladers liked to dance with her in a friendly way, but Newt always completely took her breath away. It was like he was the only Glader in the Glade.

Brianna laughed, then scolded light-heartedly, 'You're being silly.' He was a fabulous, caring boyfriend, but she wanted to busy herself with dancing with a variety of the Gladers in a friendly manner.

'Indeed, Dearest Brianna,' He teased, making her laugh. 'I am not silly in the slightest, for I am a frank and blunt Glader who speaks his mind. Your dancing is unparalleled of anyone I have ever known, a rather difficult partner to find, let alone someone willing to dance with me.'

'Really Newtie?' Brianna teased, cocking an eyebrow and resisting the urge to reach out and caress his perfect cheeks and smile. 'I can't imagine why a woman wouldn't want to abide in your company.' Her cheeks reddened again and she quickly looked away once more, unsure how to take compliments except throw them back with insults and redicules.

They continued to dance together for what seemed like hours. Newt was a natural dancer and pointed her in the right way, without forcing her and didn't complain when she stepped on his toes, despite her apologetic glances.

When, after what felt like eternity, the dance was over, he bowed in a mocking gentlemanly manner, which made them both collapse into fits of giggles and said with a light smile how privileged he was to have her as his girlfriend. After a couple more dances, Brianna and Newt began to feel tired and staggered to the nearby logs.

Brianna flopped down and, leaning right back, closed her eyes lightly. Whoever knew dancing was so exhausting? Brianna wasn't embarrassed when she finally opened her eyes, without being affected by her boyfriend's chuckles. He wasn't jumping or spinning with high-heeled shoes, just woodenly standing there like a door post. Brianna's feet were beginning to ache, so she decided not to dance with anyone else that night.

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