Chapter 21

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Thanks for reading!
I'm so sorry it's taken me ages to update... I've been really busy with exams. But I'll try and update better now- particularly over the summer I can update much more and purpose start thinking of another story! ;)
Please vote and comment- I really do appreciate what you have to say.

'Brianna,' Newt beamed, taking her hand and running his fingers across her hand, taking extra care to caress it as gently as possible and halting when his rough, large fore finger reached her scraped thumb. 'Sit with me.'

Having been searching for Newt for over an hour, Brianna was relieved to find him just slumped on one of the branches of his favourite tree, unharmed and letting his thoughts claim his mind. Brianna sat, her legs in front of her. The beautiful, glowing light began to fade slowly over her, bringing a gleaming light to the beautiful fields and trees.

Newt lay down next to her, his hand tucked behind his head with the other resting in her own, but their heads were in other worlds, drifting into separate day dreams. He sighed, not wanting to break the pleasant silence they rarely shared in the Glad. However one thing was present in their minds, that they would cherish these memories forever.

'Read to me?' It was a question Brianna had now become familiar with. She opened the book she was currently devouring and read to him. Then the ample monotonous winds became bitter cold and she would be forced wrap her jumper around her tightly.

'I have "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Brontë?' It was a statement, but said more like a question than any other, but he replied with a simple nod. Brianna sat up, tucking a lock of blonde hair behind her ear as he placed his head on her lap, removing it from one of the many branches of the tree.

"I have dreamt in my life, dreams that have stayed with me ever after, and changed my ideas; they have gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the colour of my mind. And this is one: I'm going to tell it - but take care not to smile at any part of it." Brianna paused as Newt interrupted her by sitting up, pulling her hair to the back of her neck and stroking it delicately, as if it was a precious jewel itself.

Brianna smiled slightly, not being able to resist the smile tugging at her lips. Brianna was convinced that her dream weren't going to stay with her forever; because she was convinced that her's would come true. She would find an exit to the maze. She would escape the Glade. She would be reunited with her friends and family. She would live in peace on Earth.

'What is your perception of dreams?' Newt asked her, his eyes closed and his once shallow expression becoming more vacant by the second as he soaked up the light's final rays.

Brianna swallowed the lump in her throat, forcing herself to shade her eyes from the shadowing light's pitiless rays. 'As James Dean once said: "Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." It's quite pretty, isn't it?'

'That's very philosophical, I prefer fact and figures. The power of dreams has led to the death of millions and will continue to do so forever more. Philosophy gives you the destiny you will achieve, not what your mind wants.' Newt spoke clearly and slowly, as if pondering and treasuring every word.

'You mean, you aren't curious about your dreams?' Brianna asked, not being able to understand what he was saying because, like Catherine, she had had weird dreams like those. Save Newt. She blinked three times, trying to rid herself of the memory. Besides, more to the point, does he not care about his dreams?

'I prefer to dream while I am awake, I don't bother myself about what ridicules my memories create once I am asleep.' He replied and Brianna remained silent for a moment. Perhaps he was right. Perhaps she should let go of dreams that haunted her. Perhaps she should let go of the dreams that seem to have very little meaning. Perhaps she should let go of the two little words.

'I suppose.' Brianna mumbled, but she could see the way his eyes scanned the page, as if wishing he could let go of dreams. She knew that, as much as Newt said this, he couldn't bring himself to let go of his dreams. She couldn't either.

'So you don't dream?' She spluttered, confusing wafting over her face faster than the wind in the leaves. 'You don't want a small sense of control over your life?' It was a unusual idea to her, as Brianna was full of the imagination and power of dreams, opening her heart to the sense of improvement with hard work and perseverance. Without them, she would feel empty and soulless. Dreams give her hopes and ambition. Besides, however cliche this sounds, you have to dream before your dreams come true.

'Nope.' He popped the "p" with pride, then brought his lips closer to her's, so that she could feel his breath tickling her neck. 'I already have my dream.'

But, no matter how cliché these words sounded, Brianna knew that he meant them, to an extent. Everyone wants to leave the maze, that's always been the ultimate dream of the Gladers. Brianna couldn't resist the urge to let her lips meet with his as his lips planted soft, wet kisses up her neck, so gentle and sweet.

'And I have mine.' Brianna didn't bother to add "one of them" and she couldn't anyway as his plump, pale pink lips touched her own. It wasn't a passionate and there were no tongues involved, but it was romantic and sweet, like only butterflies arose in her stomach rather than fireworks, but it made her hunger for more.

'Except to escape the maze.' They added simultaneously and laughed. Newt smiled, showing rows of perfectly brilliant teeth, taking a small theatrical sniff as he did so.

'My turn.' Newt beamed, taking Wuthering Heights from her grasp and making himself comfortable. Brianna accepted his silent invitation and placed her head on his lap, looking at his eyes from below; they were no less beautiful. "And this is one: I'm going to tell it - but take care not to smile at any part of it."

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