Chapter 18

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This chapters full of Newt and Brianna again and this will continue for a few chapters, but I assure you that soon (about four-five chapters) it'll go back to reckless action again ;)
Thanks for reading,

Suddenly, when she least expected it, she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist, halting her in her tracks. 'Got'cha.' He whispered into her ear and she groaned.

'Maybe I let you catch me.' She mumbled into his neck, turning her head to face him as he sent cold shivers down her spine.

'Maybe you did, but you didn't.' He sniggered and she scowled, making him roar with laughter even more.

Reaching out behind her to the branch she was leaning against, Brianna scooped up some leaves and stuck them down his top. 'Aarrrggghhh.' He groaned, shivering at the prickly edges of each autumn leaf.

'Pay back.' Brianna cheered, watching Newt groan as he gently shook out his t-shirt and then scooped up handfuls of leaves.

'No!' She squealed, still in fits of laughter and pelted for the trees, until she felt the familiar crackle of leaves down her spine. Brianna shivered and brushed them from my crop top, fortunately for her it was shorter than Newt's so the leaves had a shorter distance to fall. When their leaf throwing game was over, they dropped onto the ground, panting slightly.

'Tell me something true.' She stated eventually, the distance between them shortening and her breaths becoming shorter by the moment.

'I hate Greivers.' He mumbled and Brianna laughed.

'No, something nobody else knows.' His lips came closer to her's and gently brushed against them. Brianna didn't object, her mind was a sea of emotion, uncontrollable and unforeseeable.

His arms pulled her onto the branch she was leaning against, as her legs, having a mind of their own, wrapped around his stomach, bringing his muscular chest closer to her. Her breath, although already hitched, was now gone, leaving her lungs gasping for air, but her brain pounding for the confusion she felt over Newt.

'I.' He kissed her left cheeks, sending electric shocks throughout her body.
'Love.' He kissed her right cheek, equally gaining the bolt of electricity of excitement.
'You.' He paused gently, before hungrily crashing his lips onto her own, like he couldn't contain it anymore.

Sparks ignited and fireworks exploded throughout her body, electricity pounding through her veins. Brianna felt like she was on fire, her whole body erupting in flames. She could barely feel his hand tangled in her hair or his other hand gently gripping her waist. Brianna instantaneously moved her hands to his hair, curling her fingers through his bouncy curls.

They both kissed with a fiery passion neither of them wanting to stop.

It was the perfect fairy tale ending in the fairy tale woods. He gently nibbled on her lower lip, demanding entrance, which she immediately gave. Their tongues moved in sync, both of them seemingly knowing what to do, but she had never kissed him before.

It was perfect.

But all she was thinking about was of him. Newt loved her. And she thought that she loved him back.

They pulled apart, both of them panting, but excited. 'Babe.' He mumbled, still not stepping back. Brianna let her hand drop from his hair, but keeping her head close to his and not loosing any distance between them.

'I think I love you too, Newt.' Brianna mumbled, lacing her fingers through his and smiling widely.

'Look!' She exclaimed. 'A blue bird. It's beautiful.' Brianna marvelled, her body clinging to his as she closed the distance between them, her other hand pressed against his muscular chest, fingering the groves of his muscles and feeling them tense with her touch.

'Not as beautiful as you.' He complimented, tucking a loose strand of her strawberry blonde hair behind her ear. Brianna scoffed and chuckled, but her eyes met with his and for some reason he stared at her so intently that she almost believed he meant what he said.

With her body pressed against his and her head against his stomach, Brianna began to softly hum her favourite song. It was slow, with a distinctive melody and captured every thought she had of him.

Eventually, he began to sway her, humming the song over and over as Brianna was. She joined his swaying, until they both had their hands in the waltz position and were gently moving around the tree.

Brianna didn't know it could get better than this, he took her hands and dragged her head first into the unknown world of love, fearless.

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