Chapter 54

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Thanks for reading. I'm really sorry this chapter was so short, but I promise I will update one more after this.
The penultimate chapter- I'm so sad. This chapter was so sad that I was crying while writing it, but probably not as much as I'll cry writing the next one.
Please vote and comment.

She held her breath and lost the comfort of the solid ground beneath her heels.

Like a falling knife, her body tumbled down faster than the speed of light, so it seemed, and her golden hair billowed out behind her like a pillow that surrounded her. Brianna felt a current of air surrounding her, wrapping her up in its suffocating rags as if preparing her for burial.

Her body twirled and violently jerked as she fell. Brianna couldn't breathe, the air pushing against her. Brianna felt as if she suffocated before she even toppled off the edge.

Her blood rushed in her ears, pounding through them like waterfalls and her heart beats echoed throughout her body like drumming, repetitive thunder. Brianna was terrified, gasping for air that never came. She felt the tears blinding my vision.

The wind whipped around her, giving her still very little air resistance. She soon became so enthused by the speed she couldn't help but try and scream and cry and laugh all at the same time.

The cold air rushed past her as she accelerated faster and faster. After not long at all, Brianna no longer felt like I was falling, rather she was floating. But it would not appear so gentle. Her body twirled and jerked as she fell. She couldn't breathe, the air pushing against her. She felt as if she suffocated before she had even toppled off the cliff.

The blood rushed in her ears, pounding through them like waterfalls and her heart beats echoed throughout her body like drumming, repetitive thunder. She was terrified, gasping for air that never came. She felt the tears blinding her vision.

Everything was dark. Brianna found herself falling into the darkness, hurtling towards the invisible concrete below her. At this speed, the floor would surely kill her. The air pushed against her face, Brianna closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable.




Closer to the ground. She fell like a bullet through space. Slow, but evident.

She began to fear death, but more importantly, after death. The Gladers, especially Newt would soon forget her, or die and her name forgotten. Soon there would be no one who remembered her, cares for her. Brianna was fading into inevitable oblivion forever.

But she couldn't help but wonder what would happen after she hits the floor. Obviously, she would die, but what about after that? Was there a heaven? Would she see the people she loved once more? Living is the biggest contingency of all, but death would be an awfully big exciting, unusual and hazardous experience too, a phenomenon.

Then, the eerily still air, silently mockingly, whipped around her faster. Brianna watched, almost in slow motion, as the ground came steadily closer. She let out a horrified scream, finally fearing the inevitable. She raced faster towards a violent collision with the solid ground.

Brianna collapsed onto the floor, her mane of golden blonde hair billowing out like a golden pillow on her death bed. She flopped to the side, her eyes still wide with terror, as her death left her cold and pale on the maze floor.

And then she had finally died. Just as when a purple blossom, cut down by the plough, wilts as it is dying or as when weary poppies bow down their heads when they are burdened by rain.

Brianna seemed perfectly still, her body at ease finally. Her light left her eyes and with it her longing for bravery and her ferocious, feisty behaviour. All that was left was a pretty, pale girl, lying in a heap on the floor.

And then she all that was left was memories of her. Mostly, of Newt. Brianna fell in love with him like the rain fell on Earth: drop by drop, then all at once. But, just as rain evaporates, so did she.

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