Chapter 49

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The wind whistled eerily through the trees, the branches rustling, cracking and creaking. But Brianna kept walking steadily and confidently. She didn't doubt he would get her message, but she wasn't certain he would meet her there at all. Yet she carried on, in the hope that he would come just to hear her out.

Brianna quickened her pace as the darkness began to hover in the sky. Up to now, the sky had been postcard-perfect and the sky like a dome of plasma-blue, but it was changing. The Gladers were already asleep, tucked into their blankets and some softly snoring. Nobody, not even Ndwt, noticed her absence.

Brianna's brown, oversized boots trudged through the soft grass, the boots reminding her of their previous owner: Newt. Hoisting her hood up over her face to shield her hair from the hallowing gale, she proceed through the meadow towards Homestead.

With her small lamp clutched in one hand, placed directly in front of her to illuminate around a square metre around her, Brianna tiptoe across the grass. If the Gladers saw her, they would confront her as to why she was up so late. To them, Brianna was just chasing shadows.

A huffing wind rose up then, swooping across the fields and stirring the flapping lace of her nightdress, something the box had recently sent up. Eventually, she rounded the corner into the back of homestead, a place nobody ever went or was ever seen there.

The door to the barn creaked as she pushed it open with a flourish, but her heart sinks slightly as she walk around the circumference of the room, shining her lamp at just another usual feature of Homestead each time. To be honest, she hadn't expected him to bother showing up. Then, through the darkness, her heart skipped a beat as she saw him.

'Gally.' She greeted hostilely, her eyes skittering about the room which Gally had agreed to meet her in. Brianna was almost surprised when he agreed to help her, but her conscience told hr to be weary of him.

Brianna hated him, with every fibre in her body. That hatred would never perish, it would only advance like age. In fact, the feeling was mutual, but neither hated the other as much as they hated the creators, so as soon as Brianna's messenger told Gally that it was a way to defy the creators, Gally agreed. He may be heartless, but he had seen pain, torture, torment and even death in the Glade.

'Your late, shuck face.' He nodded at her presence, the extent of how he despised her evident in his tone. 'I was told to meet you here, why is that, shuck face?' 

'Because I need your help, Gally,' He turned his nose up almost instantly, not wanting to offer her any assistance. 'During the changing I realised that Newt was in danger because of me, I want you to help me solve that.'

'Danger?' He questioned.

'Yes, I think I'm supposed to kill him,' the words she spoke were pained, as if she refused to speak of them. She didn't want Gally to know all of the details, but he was the only one she trusted to tell her the absolute truth.

'Can't help you there, shank.' He sighed eventually, crossing his arms in front of his body. 'I ain't gonna take a bullet for Newt.'

'I never said I wanted you to!' She whisper yelled, her eyebrows knitted together and her tone rose to an almost shout. She never like Gally, but something about his smirk made her hate him even more than usual.

'What do you want me to do then?' He demanded.

'I want you to help me stop myself, has this happened before?' She asked, hoping that Gally hated her enough to tell her the truth she dreaded the most.

'No.' He replied bluntly.

'Gally, please?' She whispered close to tears, her voice cracking as she spoke. Brianna couldn't imagine a world without Newt and it was certainly not one she wanted to live in. 'You must know something?' She begged.

'Alright,' he said eventually, taking a seat beside her as if to silently tell her that this could take a while. Brianna didn't care, she wanted nothing less than to Save Newt. 'I'll tell you...'

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