Chapter 34

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Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. Sorry this chapter is a little short- I'll try to update as quick as I can to make up for it!

As the night drew to a close and Newt and Brianna had managed to stumble into their bedroom, having struggled to locate anything in the pitch darkness, Newt announced that he would go to "Check on the Gladers" as he put it, but in reality he was such a gentlemanly boyfriend that he always made excuses to leave Brianna in her room to change alone.

Brianna sighed after he long day, pulling her dirty shirt over her head and pulled out another tank top. Before pulling it on over her head, to hide her bra, Brianna tied her hair back into a high ponytail.

There was a loud thud and the door to her room flung open, revealing Newt. He was behind him at first, shouting something to Minho and laughing as he turned around. His face paled and his eyes widened as he saw Brianna quickly through in her hands over her exposed chest, scowling at him. 'Newtie!' Brianna squealed.

Newt immediately turned around to close the door, backing slowly into the room awkwardly, 'Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to!'

Brianna just laughed and rolled her eyes, pulling the tank top over her head. She turned back around to face him, lying on the bed, looking her up and down. 'I'm sorry, Bri. I really didn't mean to, I should've told you I was coming, but Minho was talking to me-'

'Minho saw?' Brianna gasped, her eyes wide with fear as she walked slowly towards him, pulling and adjusting her hair which she previously didn't have time to check.

'No! No! No!' Newt said quickly, laughing to himself. His eyes scanned her body up and down as she finally walked over to him. Smirking to himself, Newt admitted softly, 'Just me.'

Brianna glared at him mockingly for a moment, before straddling him as she wrapped her hands loosely around his neck. 'Next time, knock please!'

'Whatever you say, beautiful.' Newt grinned back and lifted his head towards her, bringing his lips towards her's and kissing her tenderly.

That night was the closest they had ever been in the bed that night, so close that Brianna  could feel him breathing, rather than just hearing it. She watched him carefully, waiting for him to say something that she could sense was on his mind and preventing them from sleep.

'I have something I need to tell you,' Newt said. Brianna ran her fingers along the tendons in his hands and looked back at him. 'You know I love you?' He asked and Brianna nodded once. 'Well, I might love you more than that. I might be falling in love with you.' He smiled a little. 'I'm just not sure if I should tell you yet, though.'

'Oh?' Brianna said, dumbly, 'Maybe you should write down a prose and cons list then.' She suggested and she could feel his body rippling with laughter against her side as his chest heaved with the effort of laughing.

'Maybe I'm already sure that I'm in love with you,' Newt said, 'and I just don't want to frighten you.'

Brianna laughed a little. 'Then you should know better.'

'Fine,' he said. Then he said those few words she had heard coming from his lips before, but she had never believed him because Brianna felt like she was so ugly compared to the ravishing beauty among everybody else she had ever met, 'Then I'm in love with you.'

But, as of the surprises hadn't stopped today, Brianna closed the gap between them even more and her mouth, seeming to have a mind of its own, mumbled, 'I think that I'm in love with you too.'

His eyes widened, like she had told him some very shocking news like the moon WAS made of cream cheese, but his lips pulled into a tight, small and playful smile. And they knew they had both meant those three little words, even if it meant denying the world to the other, they both loved one another. And that was it.

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