Chapter 29

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I was able to update now and I leave tomorrow- sorry!

'I can't believe what you did!' Someone screams, causing Brianna and Frypan to look up from their jobs. She glanced at Frypan to see the concern in his eyes as he starts to run towards the noise. Dropping her knife, Brianna ran after him. 'I can't believe what you said!'

'I didn't mean it like that, shuck face!' Brianna's eyes briefly met Frypan's and they hurtled from the kitchen, leaving the half-chopped vegetables on the side.

'What's going on?' Brianna yelled through the commotion at a random Glader in front of her. Frypan was by her side, jogging with her and laughing at the excitement of the Gladers.

The Glader turned around and grinned at Brianna widely, 'It's Gally and Thomas, I don't know what's happened but Thomas is really angry!'

'I didn't do anything, Thomas! Whatever I did I'm sorry, you sling head!' Came another call and Brianna instantly knew it was Gally. A lump formed in her throat as she pushed her way through the crowds, trying to find Thomas.

'Sorry isn't good enough!' Thomas continues to scream.

'What do you think happened?' Frypan asked Brianna, tapping her on her shoulder and glancing at her in concern. For Thomas to get on the wrong side of Gally on his second day was not a good move.

'I don't know,' Brianna admitted with a sigh, peering through the gaggle of Glader heads at Thomas and Gally. 'But I'm gonna find out.'

Thomas and Gally had their hands in fists, glaring at each other with more venom than Brianna thought Thomas could muster.

'Oh will you shut up, you know what I think so just let it go!' Without hesitation, Gally punched Thomas square in the jaw and Brianna winced, holding her breath. Thomas stumbled to the side clutching his jaw. As if it never happened, Gally carried on, determined to defeat Thomas. Using his free hand, he blocked Gally's next blow and his face scrunched up in pain. Brianna could tell that leaving and saving a blow would both be painful experiences.

'I can't believe what you said! Take it back now!' Thomas screamed, throwing blow after blow towards Gally, who dodged most of them. For every five blows Gally made, Thomas could use one with the same affect.

Gally hooked a foot around Thomas's foot and tugged hard, knocking him easily to the ground and giving him a steady advantage. Thomas scrambled back to his feet, but Gally was ready with the next punch. The crowd remained mortifyingly silent.

Beads of sweat stuck ruthlessly to Gally's head and he used Thomas's momentary downfall to wipe them vigorously off with the back of his hand.

Brianna watched Thomas and Gally stare at each other, before determinedly going back into heavy fighting. Thomas attempted another punch towards Gally, but he dodged it easily and ducked, allowing the drops of sweat to be flung from his back.

Thomas methodically dodged another punch and then swung all of his effort onto Gally's back, causing him to lurch forward and recoil angrily.

Gally, surged on by anger, revenge and determination, charged finally at Thomas and knocked him to the ground, following a hard punch in the jaw. Thomas dropped to the ground and Brianna looked away angirly, hearing everyone gasp, too stunned to move a muscle.

'Knock it off, shuck face!' Brianna screamed, hurtling herself into the crowd and standing between Thomas and Gally, glaring at them angrily. It was one of the only three rules they had in the Glade: don't hurt another Glader. And they had both done just that.

Brianna turned her attention to Thomas, looking up at her in shock, his nose flooding with blood. She held out her hand and hauled him to her feet, placing an arm on his back and helping him limp to the med-jacks. Brianna turned to see if Gally was also in pain, when suddenly Gally's fist connects to her face, causing her to fall back in pain.

Her vision started to blur and she could feel the blood dripping down her face. Anger started to well up inside of her. She confidently stood up to face him, bringing her fists up ready to defend herself. Gally scrunches his nose up, obviously livid with her, and takes a step forward.

Brianna winced, holding her arms up to shield the blow as she prepared herself for anther punch. She closed her eyes, waiting for the pain. But it never came. Brianna cautiously opened her eyes, one at a time, to see a hand clutching Gally's fist, keeping it from her face.

'Touch my girlfriend one more time and I'll feed you to the Grievers, you Slinthead!' Newt screamed angrily.

'That's enough, get yourselves cleaned up!' Brianna heard Alby say fiercely before her vision subsided and she blacked out in pain.

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