Chapter 14

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Thank you for reading. This chapter took quite a long time to write and rewrite to make it as good as possible- but I finally finished it! Please tell me if there are any typos. Don't worry, Newt will be back by the end of this chapter ;)
(P.S please tell me if there are any typos/ spelling mistakes/ grammar mistakes because this hasn't been checked and I'm rubbish at this!)
Please vote and comment,
Hope you enjoy,

'Minho!' She screamed instinctively, just as the Griever heard this, it's body snapped in the opposite direction. Minho spun around with it and looked angry beyond belief at her outcry, hurtling towards her faster than the Griever.

'Run!' He exclaimed and, without hesitation, Brianna darted in the opposite direction, away from Minho and the Griever, who seemed to have forgotten all about Minho since targeting her. She relaxed slightly at this, relief that Minho was safe washing over her.

Brianna realised they had to split up to survive and keep moving, as far away from the Grievers as possible. But it was already nearing the end of the day and she couldn't miss the doors. So, she grabbed the thickest part of the vines and wrapped the vines around her hands, making them as thick as possible. Hesitant to try, Brianna yanked on the vines with all of her strength. They stayed firm. Grinning, she glanced back to see the Griever about ten metres away from her.

Gasping with fear, she hastily began hauling herself up, pulling her weight up the vines in an attempt to escape the monster. Brianna was elated to find so many cracks along the wall were perfect places to rest her feet as she climbed.

The effort was exhausting, but the Grievers were travelling delightfully slowly and gave Brianna enough time to edge her way slowly up the wall. Her hands were slipping and sliding on the vines. Her feet were throbbed from the pressure of the hard wall. But determination shot through her and she climbed harder. When she was around equidistance from the top and the bottom of the wall, she unwrapped herself and clung on, beads of sweat rippling through her and sticking her forehead to her brow.

She had never encountered Grievers before, but she hoped that it wouldn't be able to climb.

Brianna almost squealed with joy as the Griever reached the bottom of the vines, and glanced up at her, confused.

Her eyes scanned the floor, trying to locate Minho. When she had no luck, she realised that darkness would soon descend and she began to climb along the wall. Suddenly, she felt a tapping on her shoulder and she breathed a sigh of relief.

'I thought you'd left me behind.' Brianna mumbled to Minho.

'As if!' He chuckled and they watched the Griever disappear.

'Where's it going?' She asked, anxiously waiting for the Griever to return. It didn't.

'Probably to attack from above, we should get going.' He advised and she nodded, watching him anxiously jumping from her position on the wall. Brianna followed his lead, feeling the cold, hard floor hit her. The pain surged through her but she blocked it. It was no longer a competition between her and the closing walls, she realised now it never had been, it was a competition between her and the Grievers.

'Okay.' She followed him, close on his tail, skirting through the walls and hurtling in a very undignified manner as far as possible.

Then, as if from a nightmare from hell, a Griever was hot on their tails. Brianna began to wonder if the Grievers could communicate and gather more warriors to fight off the invasion of humans, somehow she doubted it.

As death became inevitable, she noticed Minho take a different path back to the Glade. She hurried after him, hoping that he would know the way. 'Where are we going?'

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