Chapter 50

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Sorry about the wait! The work load at school is quite a lot now, but I promise it will get easier. It makes me so sad how few chapters we have left- but I promise the end will make so surprised, sad and want to murder me. Keep reading my story, any of my other stories and many other Maze Runner fanfics.
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Basically there is no way to control what the creators make you do, no way for you to put up a fight once they've chosen to control you.'

'So there's no hope?' She whispered painfully.

'Of course there is,' he snapped viciously. 'Why else would I tell you, shuck face?'

'So people have resisted it before?' She inferred suspiciously, frowning slightly by leaning over towards him, eager to find out more.

'No. But I think I know how. You see once they choose you to do something, you can't not do it. You have to stop them before they make that decision. In other words, we'll have to imprison you or tie you to a tree or something...' He shrugged and Brianna nodded along to his words.

'And this will work?' She asked, raising an eyebrow doubtfully.

'I doubt it,' he shrugged again. 'If the creators really want this done, you won't be able to be set freed until we leave the Glade, or they'll use you again.'

'So what do you suggest then?' Brianna demanded impatiently. She knew Gally wouldn't take it to heart and knew she wasn't angry with him, she was angry with the creators and angry with herself for not being able to stop fate. As soon as she met the creators, Newt dead or alive by her side, she would probably show them exactly what she thought of their schemes: a pile of klunk.

Gally shrugged, but Brianna knew him better than that. She narrowed her eyes, testing him. When Gally had an idea, he usually made it obvious and Brianna could tell she had an idea, which meant that he was in control of the situation, withholding information for some reason. 'What aren't  you telling me, Gally?'

He sighed, drawing himself upright and inhaling deeply, as if mustering the courage to find the right words. 'If I tell you, will you promise not to tell Newt I said this to you?'

Brianna didn't need to say anything, Gally knew that she would do anything to ensure Newt's safety, but he didn't want to risk Newt wanting to kill him. 'What's said in this room stays in this room.' She clarified eventually and Gally nodded, satisfied.

'Ok then, shuck face, to be able to stop the creators, you have to not let them be able to use you.' He explained slowly, choosing his words with fastidious care. 'Do you know what that means?'

Brianna nodded once. 'I have to leave the Glade, so they cannot use me to hurt Newt.' She clarified and Gally nodded again. 'But how exactly do I do that? Going into the maze is forbidden.' She reminded him and Gally almost laughed. This girl was willing to kill herself for Newt, but not break a Glader rule? How illogical.

'How far are you willing to go to ensure Newt's safety?' Gally asked her and Brianna looked frustrated with his proposal that she wouldn't do to extreme measures to keep him safe. Gally sighed and explained delicately, 'Before you do anything, Brianna, you have to understand how much you love Newt.'

She was silent for a moment, her eyes slightly watering, before she frantically wiped away the tears with the back of her hand until they were red and swollen. She knew the rules: never let Gally see your hurting.

She didn't know how to sum it up as a quantity, because words weren't good enough. Newt's love was like a bright, warm, soothing fire and she was like firefly. Her love for Newt was like a life giving, sweet, cool water, rushing freely and uncontrollably. Newt was like a castellated tower of earth to hold her in place and keep her safe. Newt's love was like a breath of air, giving life and hope to her lungs. But love wasn't perfect. Love was a chocking poison and a sweet perfume. Both strangling and causing lack of air to suffocate her. Love to Brianna was a crystal smoke and a frozen fire. Both an imagined, mystical image and a warm cold.

'I love him more than anything.' She finalised, meaning every word.

'Not good enough.' Gally said shaking his head, annoying Brianna because they both knew how much Brianna cared about Newt, Gally was only asking her these questions to spite her and store anger inside of her, passion would be very useful in the maze.

'Gally,' she said softly. 'Please tell me? You know that I would die to ensure his safety.'

Brianna realised what she had to do, what crossing the wall into the maze would entail. She would die to the Grievers, but Newt would be safe. And Newt's unconditional safety was all that mattered to her.

Gally sat back in his chair, crossed his arms across his body and gave her a satisfied smile, his grin going from ear to ear, as if he had just trapped a mouse in a mousetrap without any cheese. 'Good, you might just have to.'

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