Chapter 5

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These updates may be a little irregular, so I apologise profusely for any inconvenience this may cause....

A man with a trim white suit was in front of her, arms folded, looking painfully fed up. He gazed at her for a moment, his eyes narrowing. He held up a syringe filled with a clear liquid, something Brianna hadn't seen ever before, but if terrified her. It was newfound and suspicious. She had no reason to be afraid, or so the scientist before her thought, but she struggled with all her might.

She had seen all of her friends vanish this way, but they never told her where they were going. Brenda, the only scientist who didn't seem crazed, told her not to worry, but those wide haunted her and she pushed them away.

Two tough guys stood by his side, watching with almost amusement in their eyes as Brianna struggled in their arms. She thrashed around, in almost insane way. Then her eyes froze and she paled as she noticed the men pull out enormous guns and point them right at her.

'You won't shoot me.' She hissed and they rolled their eyes.

'Try me.' One glared at her, daring her to object. She screamed until her throat went dry, never failing to yell as loud as she could. Her heart rate increased as her eyes darkened in fury. She would never go along with this. She knew what they were going to do and she didn't want to be apart of their experiments.

The scientist frowned and glared at the body guard, testing him just as he was testing Brianna. She took mental note of this, realising the body guards were mocked and tormented for how they weren't as eminent as the scientists were. 'C'mon Brianna, this won't hurt a little.'

'Never!' Brianna shrieked.

The scientist grabbed her arm and held her down, his force pushing against her body. He groaned, then seethed, 'Just stop wriggling, Brinna.'

'No!' Brianna yelled, screaming as loudly as she could possibly manage. Her heart pounded faster, fearing for the worst. She couldn't believe it, but she knew she had to do something, and fast. 'Newt! Minho! Ben! Alby! Someone, help!' Brianna had screamed more names, but she no longer knew them yet, particularly the girls.

'Stop screaming.' The scientist seethed, holding the syringe dangerously close to her arm. 'Remember, this won't hurt a bit.' He continued kindly, with a comforting tone that made Brianna relax, but it sounded almost sinister, his eyes burning with hatred and sadistic delight, almost hoping that this injection will hurt beyond compare.

'No, get away from me,' Brianna whimpered, realising her fire had been put out with blood curdling, sickly water.

She screamed and hurtled along the corridor, partly with the fear of what may occur and partly with the hope that somebody would hear her and rescue her. Brianna couldn't be more wrong. She crashed through the doors, random racing through the maze of corridors. With a decision in a split second, she dashed through the large doors and zipped right and glanced right, sighing when she saw two guards sprinting behind her, gaining speedy distance.

Suddenly the guard jumped forwards and grabbed her by the shoulder, yanking her backwards. Before she realised what was happening, she felt searing pain explode in her shoulder, still screaming at the top of her lungs.

'It's over, Brianna, there is nothing you can do now,' One of guards murmured into her ear, before slicing the syringe into her arm, piercing her flesh.

Before it intruded into her viens, she remembered her purpose in the maze. Newt, she had to save him. The prophecy that she will get on her neck couldn't be true. She had to stop it. She had to save Newt.

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