Chapter 55: the Final Chapter

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Thanks for reading, I'm sorry it's so short and under normal circumstances, I would promise another chapter soon, but it's the last one.
The final chapter! I'm so sad, this chapter literally made me cry while I was writing it.
Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting. I really appreciate all of the support you've given me.
On a more positive note, I have written two other books: one based on the fairytale Snow White and the other a fanfiction based on the TV show Once Upon a Time, specifically the portrayal of Peter Pan and the missing character of Tiger Lily, called "Pan's Tiger".
As usual, please vote and comment.

After the Gladers heard sharp click of the doors closing, Newt was released, but he barely moved. For many minutes, Newt was frozen holding his spear, watching the scene unfold. The spectator's bodies were frozen, welded together and only their feet changed position or pressure. He was bought to the realisation of what had just occurred and he was heartbroken his mind had ruled over his heart.

The sky was charcoal black. It seemed to glare down at Newt whispering Save Newt through the air and stabbing his heart with each breath.

She was stronger than he was and he knew it, but part of him hungered the desire to resist the urge to scream. He resisted the urge to bellow her name so the entire world could hear it. Nobody could diminish the power of death.

Newt's mind replayed the look of Brianna's eyes, but he realised they were not filled with hatred of him. They were not filed with fear. They were filled with love. Love Newt would always reflect.

He saw each detail of Brianna. He remembered that she had a small rip beneath her right eye and within a minute her silk complexion was broken. It gnarled down her cheek and finished at her chin. He remembered the way the sun had burned her face. But he also remembered what she was before. He remembered the bright, laughing smile she hadn't genuinely pulled in months, except for when Newt was there. He remembered the way her shining azure blue eyes would twinkle up at him as if a million stars came out in one day.

It could've been hours that he'd stood there, with the torturous pain ringing in his ears. He fell to his knees, unable to control his feelings. And he felt Brianna's pain.

Newt's heart beat with painful sobs; his aching jaw grip a hot parched tongue, his mouth dry with tears; his wide eyes searching the crowd unconsciously.

He cannot breathe.

Tears were streaming down Newt's face and blurred his vision, but he barely felt them. Brianna didn't deserve to die. She did nothing wrong. She was innocent in this vicious game. And the creators had used her and abused her.

Eyes trapped open, Alby's muscular frame was stooped forward and his mouth was a circle, Alby busied himself by constantly asking the Gladers, often repeatedly, how they were feeling. The answers were the same; the shake of a head, the tears welling in their eyes, the whisper of negativity or the simple silence, a state of shock.

Chuck rocked backwards and forwards on his heels, his breath shaking. Tears collected like rivers swimming in his eyes, swarming down his cheeks. But he made no attempt to move and prevent them. Chuck didn't even noticed them. He was motionless and silent.

Minho kept himself in the corner, unable to move, let alone breathe. He spoke silently to the air around him, castigating it. His hands were cemented in his pockets.

Thomas's eyes remained empty and swollen, absorbing all information but not yet processing it. It was like he couldn't imagine a world without his best friend, Brianna.

Brianna's heart was tired. Her heart was released.

To Brianna, life was like running around a maze. Only no matter which path she took, it always brought her to the inevitable: her own death. She feared the centre of the maze so badly, but she feared not being at the centre of the maze even more. And now there was only one way out: Save Newt.

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