Chapter 23

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Thanks for reading!
I'm adding a new character to this chapter- and you can probably guess who it is! I thought after all of this waiting due to my exams, now that I had a few days off I decided to write a longer chapter to make up for it- sorry! But thanks for being so patient and reading this anyway!
By the way, do you think I should delete this? Is it getting a bit annoying... I don't really know so I'd appreciate your thoughts...
Please vote and comment.
Hope you enjoy,

To celebrate the arrival of the new Greenie, the boys had set up a huge bonfire. Some people were fighting (mostly Gally), while the rest of them, including Brianna, Minho, Newt and the Greenie, were all ambling around or sitting on logs laughing and joking around. Brianna was set beside Minho, watching the dancing flames.

There was a short silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Minho was watching the boys dance and laughing with them, while Brianna was thinking of a way to word what she was thinking. It had been haunting her since the moment she got in the maze and this was the only time Brianna had felt like she could talk to a trustworthy Glader alone. 'Can I ask you something?'

Minho's head snapped over to her own and his eyes scurried across her quickly, as if trying to work out her emtions, but Brianna was an annoyingly unreadable person. 'Sure.' He offered, sending her a wide, toothy grin.

'I was just wondering, is it weird that I'm here? I mean, isn't it different having a girl around?' Brianna wondered confused. Minho stroked his chin, pondering her question carefully.

'Of course it is.' He said, letting his hands drop and smack onto his thighs. 'Of course it's different to have a girl, particularly someone Newt actually likes, he's crazy about you, but that doesn't mean-' Brianna cut him off sharply.

'I don't think Newt's crazy about me.' Brianna interjected, and Minho raised an eyebrow.

'He is so crazy in love with you, your all he ever talks about now.' He sighed, his eyes drifted across to the Gladers. 'But just because you're a new experience, doesn't mean it's a bad one. The Gladers all see you as their friend, whose a girl, and you're the friend, whose a girl, we could ask for. You're also fun and funny and know how to make Newt smile. Since the day you arrived in the Glade, Newt's been much more cheerful about things, even though he was skeptical about the order of the Glade. Everything's been going smoothly, in fact having a female around kind of makes it better...'

'I see...' Brianna mumbled, lulling these thoughts over in her mind. 'But, female Glader to male Glader, everyone else is boys. There can't be a place in the Gladers for a girl like me, Minho.'

'Brianna, Brianna,' Minho sighed, putting his hand behind his neck and staring into he flames. 'You don't get it, do you? One girl Glader as brave and honourable as yourself is far more valuable and special than most of the guy Gladers, shuck face.'

Brianna laughed at his final name for her.

'Shall we talk about something else?' Brianna suggested, sitting up suddenly to return to combing through her hair with her hairbrush, having missed the luxuries of a hairbrush all of this time. The creators had sent up female products and shampoos and soaps for her, but they hadn't sent up a hairbrush, so for a month Brianna had to use her fingers and it was beginning to annoy her.

'Yes, let's.' Minho said back cheerfully.

'So, who's the new Greenie?' Brianna asked Minho immediately. Her tone was quiet, because she was trying to ensure that nobody heard what they were discussing. She had heard that here was a new addition to the Gladers, which she assumed was the reason why everything had been seemingly rather disruptive in the camp. Brianna understood that whenever there was a new arrival, the order of the Glade crumbles for the day.

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