Chapter 40

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"You killed my mother!" I yelled as a charged towards Eric.

"Hey," He said dodging me. 

"Oh, by the way, thank you for getting me out there." He says smiling. "You're a true friend."

I growl at him.

"I--I can't believe this whole time you eased my memory," I said. Running towards him again. 

"What you think mommy will be disappointed to find out her daughter was hanging out with her killer this whole time?" He says laughing. This time I was able to bite his ear. 

Eric was able to shake me off him. "You bitch!" He yells using his crawls and starches my arm. We continue to fight. Although I am much powerful than Eric I am not the best fighter. Eric is a trained fighter and he is able to keep up with me. I didn't even know my wolf could produce blue flames. I am not even sure how to use them to my benefit. 

Eric continues to beat my ass and I am getting angry. I want to kill him but I am not yet strong enough. Eric lands on top of me and smirks. 

" It's a shame. You're going to die just like your mother did. Under me." He says.

" He says

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I woke up to the sound of broken glass and growls. 

"Imani!" I look over to my side to see Zoe and Neema. 

"Inkosazana" I turn to my left to see Asriel.

Something slams into the wall causing the room to shake. 

"What is going on?" I asked. I slowly rise up from the bed. 

"Your dad is talking to the Alpha King." Neema answers. 

"Why?" I asked confused. 

"Imani, you may not have noticed but the alpha king has the same wolf as you," Zoe says. 

"What?" I said confused. I hear the same sound again against the wall. I can smell my dad's scent next door. "Oh, No," I said ripping the covers off my body. 

"Imani---" Neema tries to stop me from getting out of bed. 

"Let me go." I said pushing her off me. 

"You can't go in there. They won't let you pass." She says. 

"I'll take you," Asriel says giving me his hand. I smile and take his hand. 

"Who are you?" Zoe asks confused. 

"It's okay he is a family friend," I said as I walk towards the door with Asriel at my side. 

Two guards are blocking the door. 

"Let me pass." I say. 

"We can---"

"Let me pass," I said as my tone became lower. 

"Do as she says," Asriel says stepping in front of me. The guards open the door and I quickly enter. 

"Dad!" I yell once I see him being beaten by the alpha king.

"Iman--" I run towards him and push the alpha king off my father. 

I stand in between my father and the king. "Ungalinge uthinte ubaba wami." (Don't you dare touch my father.) I said growling at him. 

The alpha king looks at me up and down. Then he looks over at Asriel.

"Kube yisikhathi reside." (It's been a long time) He says. 

Asriel bends down on one knee and bows his head towards the king. 

"Sengineminyaka engama-22 ngikufuna" (I have been looking for you for 22 years) The king says growling.

"Who is she?" He asks looking over at me. Asriel looks over at me with worry. Then he looks back at the alpha king and bows his head. 

"She is Zora's daughter, Alpha," He says. The man looks at me in shock. 

"Hayibo!" He yells. 

"It's true!" Dad yells spitting out blood. He slowly gets up from the floor and stands in front of me.  "She is Zora and I daughter." He says glaring at the alpha king. 

The alpha king walks towards us and my dad blocks him from coming any closer. I don't know what to do or say. I don't understand why the alpha king would want to beat up my dad and why is intrusted in my mother.

The alpha king takes a deep breath and steps back. 

We all take a seat to talk. Asriel stands next to me. 

"What is your name child?" The king asks me. 

"Imani." I answer. 

"And your mother?" He asks. 

"Zora Thompson," I answer. 

"And where is she?" He asks in a serious tone.

"She is dead," I answer. "She was killed." Dad looks at me in shock. 

"And how do you know this?" He asks. 

"I saw it. It was Eric who killed my mother." I said. "He eased my memories and hypnotize me to help him escape from jail," I said looking down. Dad pats my back.

"It's okay." He says. 

"Alpha King, may I ask why you are so curious about my mother?" I asked. Dad reaches over and holds my hand. The alpha king leans back in his seat and takes a deep breath.

"Because she is my daughter." He answers. I gasp in shock. "Your mother's name is Zora Abioye and she is the princess of Isiqhingi senyanga."


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