Chapter 13

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I come from a family of wolves. 

I am a werewolf. 

I close my eyes and I lay in bed in the dark. I want to wake up so badly and think this was all a dream, but I can't. I can't unsee everything I saw today. I saw three werewolves fight in front of me. I got bitten by a wolf, almost died. And met a woman who I believe is the moon goodness. 

Don't forget me. 

Yes, and how can I forgot my wolf spirit. I let out a sigh and turn to my side. So this is the world my mother was hiding me from. Part of me thinks if I knew about this already I wouldn't be so freaked out about everything. All the stories she used to tell as a child are all real. They now have come to life. I wonder what else is real? do vampires and mermaids exist too? how is it the world doesn't know about this? So many questions circle around my mind. 

Hey, you need to rest. You used a lot of energy. 

Can you read my mind too? I asked. 

I am apart of you. Your emotions are my emotions. You are me and I am you. We are one. My wolf said.

Can I transform anytime I want?

No, I still have control over when I want to show myself and talk to you.  I am not a slave.

Okay. I said not liking the attitude. 

Now go to sleep. 

I listen to my wolf and go to bed. 

The next day the doctor and nurse come to check on me. Luckily because I am a full wolf now my wounds healed up quickly sadly the bite left a scar on my arm. Dad came to visit me and brought me breakfast that Oliva made. 

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"You heard the doctor. I am fine can you stop asking every ten minutes." I said rolling my eyes. I ate a piece of my eggs. 

"I know, I know." He says with a sigh. 

"Plus now that I am a wolf. I don't have to worry about that. I'll heal." I said with a laugh. 

"Wait a minute. Just because we are stronger than the average human that doesn't mean we can't die or feel pain. We're not Gods." He said. 

"Yeah, Yeah I saw the movies," I said with a laugh. 

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