Chapter 14

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"So besides being a werewolf what is it that you do?" I asked. Ben and I are in the car driving back to his house. 

"Well, I am the police chief for this state. By day I am a cop and by night I am a wolf" He says and howls at the end. I roll my eyes and laugh at him. 

"Ok, ok" I said looking out the window. 

"So how many people are in this pack?" I asked. 

"In our pack, we have about five mill---"

"Five million!" I yelled in shock. "Tha--that's like---"

"Half of the population yes." He says smiling. 

"What in the---"

"I told you were one of the oldest packs. Our pack was the first group of wolves to settle here." He says. 

"Wow, I have so much to learn," I say with a sigh. "So is there others?" 

"Others?" He said confused. 

"Like other paranormal beings?" I said. 

"Oh, you have no idea." He said with a laugh. "There's vampires, witches, mermaids, and trolls."

"Mermaids!" I yelled excited. 

"Yes, but trust me they all not what you see on TV. They are not to be trusted." He says warning me. 

"Wow, I feel like I just stepped into a teen drama," I said laughing. 

"Yes, but more realist. When we get home I'll have to explain somethings to Oliva and Benjy. And I have to introduce to my pack and my paren----"

"I have grandparents," I said cutting him off. 

"Yes, you do." He said with a smile. Now I am even more excited to come back. I never had grandparents before and I was always jealous of my friends who would say they are going to visit their grandparents for thanksgiving. I can't wait to meet them I hope they like me. 

"Oh, and don't forget we have to go shopping and I need a phone," I said reminding him. 

"Oh yeah, I'll let Oli---"

"Is it okay we can go with just us?" I asked. I don't like being alone with Oliva. I don't know why but something about her feels off. 

"I'll have to check my schedule, but sure." He says hesitating. I guess he feels wired about being around me too. 

"Anyone home!" Ben yells once he opens the door. I walk in behind him and close the door behind me. I hear footsteps come running down the stairs. 

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