One Man Army

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"Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, this isn't good..." Winston spoke to himself. Winston hurried to the lounge where everyone sat thinking of Genji.  "Everyone listen...the police force is off tracking Genji, and they're sending in military forces, we need to go help, if we don't Genji is going to be considered a war criminal!" Winston huffed.

Everyone stared at him in shock as they all got up rushing to grab their equipment. They readied up and got in the dropships tracking Genji's location from his suit.

Genji sat on-top of a cliff in an open field as he saw multiple army troops marching, alongside them tanks and helicopters. The men had riot shields and body armor prepared for a battle. Genji cracked his knuckles staring at them.

"You have exactly three seconds to surrender yourself before all hell goes loose!" A man talked into the megaphone. 'By the looks of it, the choppers and tanks seem A. I controlled. Good, I must avoid death when it comes to the military.' Genji smirked as he had one move that would flaw it all.




"Open fire men!" He shouted as all the soldiers began firing their weapons at him. The choppers fired alongside it the tank. Genji smiled as he saw all the oncoming fire.

"Roze. Consumption."

A black barrier formed around Genji's body as all the firepower was consumed into his body. They stopped shooting and watched in confusion seeing what was happening. "Did we get him?" One of the soldiers spoke.

Genji smiled. Staring at them all. He just consumed an entire army's worth of firepower. His energy level breaking his limit.

"Fools." Genji spoke disappearing. The army watched in shock as he reappeared in the air above them. He cut one of the choppers in half as he fell down. He slammed his fist into the ground as the soldiers began firing at him.

Genji was demolishing the army, his body feeling great. A tank shell flew at him as he focused his strength in his arms. He grabbed the sides of the bullet and flipped it sending it back to the tank. It blew up as Genji moved backward taking out all his swords.

"Triple Sword Style." Genji's dragons appeared behind him fusing into one large dragon. They formed a blade as Genji stood still the fire being sent at him shrugging off his barrier.

"Deathly grasp, perfected." Genji spoke. Deathly grasp was a move Soba had were when Genji connected his fist with an enemy Soba would enter their body and block their lungs preventing them the ability to breathe, used for a more critical attack. But perfected is a different story. Where ever is attacked by the fusion formed dragons, the area around is affected, and whoever is in the area would begin getting light-headed passing out. All though it is not as deadly, it can take care of waves of hostiles.

His dragon's slammed the sword into the ground as everyone flinched. They opened their eyes as they saw nothing happened.

Until they started dropping like flies. Genji knew that if he killed any law enforcement, he'd be on the worst side, so he avoided any killing with them. 'I've got to get out of here, no more messing with the law.' Genji spoke.

He formed a hand sign disappearing.

"We've got a problem! He's changing locations!" Winston spoke. "Here Lena, sending you his coordinates now, just stay on his trail!" Winston replied.  "Gotcha!" She replied zooming the ship. They arrived at another open space area as Genji sat leaning against a sakura tree. He breathed in letting out a deep breath. All the members walked out of the ships as they stared at Genji. 

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