Chapter 5

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[[ This is dedicated to KristineBagtas. I'll fix this dedication when I get my hands on my mom's laptop.. Thanks for being so lively hahaha XD.. Anyways, enjoy!!]]

Fifth Chapter - Deja vu

"Let the real game begin" Mizumi and Yusuke both mumbled.

Once they were on the court, Seirin has the ball.

Izuki passed to Mitobe and he cautiously tries to dribble past Aomine, but Aomine was faster than him. "Sorry, but after that little show. I can't help but feel like I have to return a favor.." Aomine stated and shot the ball. The score was now 23-21 Seirin's lead.

Mizumi jogged closer to Akashi.. "Let's begin?" she asked him. Akashi just nodded his head.

Akashi gave his signal to the other three. Yusuke saw this and told Hyuuga.

Now, Teiko has the ball. Akashi looked around and again nodded his head before passing to Aomine. Aomine faced with Kagami. "Oi, what's with all those signals?" Kagami asked. "Beat me first if you really want to know.." Aomine stated and faked to the left..

He passed Kagami then he passed the ball to Midorima. It was now a game versus MEGANES-- I mean.. It was now a game betweeen Hyuuga and Midorima..

"What are you planning?" Hyuuga whispered to himself.. Midorima let out a sigh and pushed up his glasses then dribbled past Hyuuga.. "I guess its time for.."

"Twin Isolation" Mizumi, Akashi, Midorima and Aomine all stated..

Their plan was to isolate Akashi and Mizumi then let Yusuke and maybe Kagami to fight them..

"But we can always double team you guys.." Hyuuga said and was about to block Mizumi when Murasakibara blocked him. "Didn't you hear? Only two from each team are allowed to join them.. So that means you're mine." Murasakibara said.. "I'll crush you.." he added..

As they planned, Yusuke and Kagami were left. "Tch, so this is what you wanted from the start huh? Well, it might be fun to play against you.." Kagami told Mizumi.. "Sorry, but you'll be playing Akashi.. Not me.." Mizumi said and faced Yusuke. "It's time to settle the score." They both said to each other.

"Are you sure you want them to have the spotlight?" Kagami asked Akashi looking down at him.. "Let me tell you this. I can give her the spotlight, for now. But having you looking down on me, is unacceptable.." Akashi said as the ball was passed to him. He dribbled left and right making Kagami follow him. Then he suddenly faked forward which made Kagami step back suddenly losing his balance.

Akashi passed him and shot the ball scoring 2 points for Teiko. "Well, that went by very fast.. But now its my time to shine Akashi." Mizumi stated while grinning. "I'm dissapointed at his performance. Make sure you won't make me regret giving you the spotlight.." Akashi told Mizumi and they went back to their places..

It was Seirin's ball and Mitobe passed to Hyuuga who was ready for a three..

"Sumimasen, but let me have that." Mizumi suddenly appeared infront of him. She stole the ball and dashed to score.. "It won't be that easy Mizumi.." Yusuke said blocking her.. Mizumi slowed her pace and dribbled the ball ever so lightly.

'Is this.. EARTHQUAKE?!' Yusuke thought.. "That's not quite right." Mizumi stated knowing what he was thinking.. "This is a new play of mine.." since she was dribbling lightly, the ball was slower and easy to follow.. Mizumi stepped to the left with her right foot. Then placed her left next to it as slow as how the ball was bouncing. She repeated the same process moving left to right..

"She looks like she's dancing" Kise said watching her.. Yusuke was also watching Mizumi but suddenly.. Mizumi disappeared and was now behind her.. The ball already in motion.

"How did you..?" Yusuke asked Mizumi wide eyed.. "A new play that I created especially for you..." Mizumi said then looked at him with her purple eyes.. "The game is still going, don't stop.." Mizumi said and in a second she was beside Murasakibara who was on the other side of the court.. "Zones, huh?" Yusuke smiled and closed his eyes..

"Not yet.." he opened them again and jogged up to Kagami.. "Kagami-kun, can you manage to break their twin isolation and make it a normal isolation play?" Yusuke asked him.. "I'll try but.. Nevermind, just remember to play it cool.." Kagami replied.. "I don't want to hear that from you, Baakaagaamii.." Yusuke teased and jogged away from a fumming Kagami..

"Akashi, let's break Twin Isolation for now.." Mizumi suddenly told Akashi not meeting his eyes.. "Why?" Akashi asked. "Just for now. I have a score to settle with him.." Mizumi said and continued her play.

'She's acting like during the Seiho-Teiko game' Akashi thought..

Mizumi appeared infront of Kagami who has the ball. He fumbled and passed to Yusuke.

Mizumi reached Yusuke the same time the ball hit his hand. Everyone watching was shocked seeing how fast she was..

"You're faster than ever.." Yusuke told Mizumi.. "But how fast?" he dribbled the ball and faked to his left. Mizumi knew this and blocked..

Yusuke stepped back and passed to Hyuuga.. "Arre? You won't face me?" Mizumi mocked him... 'She's acting like before... When I first saw her play.. Why am I feeling a sense of deja vu?' Yusuke thought.


Yusuke's POV

It's my first time playing basketball with a girl. Can she even catch up to me?

"Yusuke, I suggest that you pay attention to the game plan.." Mizumi told me.. "Whatever. I don't feel comfortable playing with a girl.." I told her..

"Basketball isn't for girls" I added. *slap* "Ouch! What the--" I stopped mid-sentence when I saw who it was. "C-Captain.." It was Satomi. "You're benched for now so watch how she plays.." he told me then walked away.

I watched her wide eyed as she faces with the other team's ace.. When the ball was passed to him it looked like he wanted to take the shot. But he passed instead. "Huh? You won't face me? I won't give you another chance if you don't want to.. Wimp.." I heard her mock him.. But she said it in a whisper so the referee won't hear it..

After the game, they were totally destroyed.. 203-9... The guy Mizumi talked to stared at her wide eyed..

We went back to our locker rooms but Mizumi already left.. "Why does she seem different??" I asked Satomi.. He sighed and sat down..

"She just had a bad break up with her boyfriend.. She was really pissed this morning and she wasn't supposed to play but when you... You already know what I mean.." So it was my fault, too??

"Why act like that after a break up?" I accidentally said out loud. Everyone looked at me and I swear they were glaring daggers at me.. That's when Shei stood up..

He walked towards me then grabbed the collar of my shirt.. "You should keep your mouth shut if you don't know the reason.. You're just new so you can't talk about something like you know about it!" what's their deal??

"Yusuke. Let's talk outside. Shei, cool off.." Satomi stated then dragged me out..

"*sigh* I'm sorry about how he acted.. But. I can't deny that he's right though." Satomi stated.. "I'm the one who should say that.. I said things that were none of my business.."

"It is your business. We in this team treat each other as family. Like we're all related to each other. And you're one of us now.. So try to understand bit by bit, okay?" these guys sure take things deep.. but.. "Captain... Thanks, I'll do my best.." after that he explained everything to me.

~End of Flashback

3rd Person's POV

"I can't believe that I remembered that now.. " Yusuke mumbled to himself.. "I can't let my team get destroyed just like what happened though" he mumbled and entered the zone..

"Now this is where the real fun starts.." Mizumi mumbled..

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