Chapter 2 - What's Going On?

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[[ I thought of adding another chapter as good luck before my exams tomorrow. I hope you will enjoy this chapter ^_^]]


Mizumi and the others went to an island resort owned by Kanata's dad..

There she see's someone she knows.. but WHO? Then she bumps into someone named.. YUSUKE??


Mizumi's POV

"Yusuke?! Why are you here?" I haven't seen him since the end of Inter High! "Ah, Mizumi-chan! Nice to see you here! Actually i'm with my te-" "TO-CHI-KO-KUN!! *bogsh* " I've seen this before.. wait..

"Riko-senpai?!" Its Riko-senpai! But why does she know Yusuke? "Ara, Mizumi! Nice to see you! Do you know Tochiko-kun?" she asked me.

"Hai. We were in the same team in middle school." her eyes sparkled with joy. "I forgot! You're one of them! *o*"   "H-Hai..."

"Sugoi! Tochiko-kun go back to practice. Hyuuga-kun will get mad at you.." senpai scolded him.. "Hai, hai.." he waved his hand and went to go practice.

"By the way Mizumi-chan. Are you with your team?" Senpai suddenly asked. "Hai.. Why?" she was smiling widely then suddenly walked away. "See you tomorrow!" she waved her hand before turning to a corner. "H-Hai?"

What did she mean? Wait, i've lost h-- "Mizumi" I felt goosebumps on my back when I suddenly heard Akashi's voice.

"Hai?" I turned around and all of them were there except for Momoi and Aomine.. "Who were you talking to?" he asked.

"Oh, the girl was Seirin High Basketball team's Coach, Riko Aida. Then the guy is Yusuke, Tochiko Yusuke. One of the Generation of Gods." I stated. They all stayed silent for a while. "Seirin High got hold of one." I heard Midorima mutter. "Uhmm, Touou Academy, Kaijo High, Rakuzan High, Yosen High and Shutoku High also got hold of a member... We're all scattered remember?.." I informed them..

"It seems that I know what our match tomorrow will be." Akashi mumbled. "We have a practice match against Seirin tomorrow.. I assume that if you don't play then they won't use Yusuke.." he suddenly said. "Tomorrow already?" I asked surprised

"Yes. Momoi told me this morning that a school wanted to have a practice match with us as soon as possible. It looks like they want to see his full potential." I grinned at the thought. This is going to be exciting.

"But before that. All of you.. a hundred laps around the island then straight to the gym. Now." Akashi ordered. "Whaa? Oh come on!!" I had no choice since I saw something shiny and sharp in his pocket. If that's a scissor, I don't want to get cut!


"100..laps...done!!" I sprawled on the floor of the gym once I entered. Since I was the fastest, I was the first one here.. I grabbed a towel from the bag I left this morning and took out some bottles. They were filled with energy drinks.

I have to work harder.. Tomorrow is a battle of speed. I can't lose to Yusuke again..

"You're here earlier than I expected." Akashi's stated coming from the door sweating a little.. ?? How can he stay like that? I wish I was like him... "Where are the others?" I ask taking out a spare shirt. "It would take a while for them to reach here. " He stated siting down..

"Well, I'll just change my shirt.. How 'bout a one-on-one later?" I ask not looking at him and headed for the locker rooms. "Sure"

After changing I waited a bit for the others.. But when it took so long I started to get bored. I grabbed a ball and tossed it to Akashi. "Let's play, I'm bored.." I grinned when he nodded his head and stood up. We both took our positions and the game started.. He dribbled the ball and cautiously walks towards me.. I watched every single move he makes..

No wonder everyone that ends up guarding him gets scared... He looks really intimidating.. But not enough to scare me.. I ran up to him and stole the ball then went straight for the hoop. But Akashi was fast to block. I aimed for a three-pointer but he jumped and blocked again.

This time, he had the ball. He went around me and made a lay-up.. But I blocked it. "I can't allow you to score, Akashi" I stated as I grabbed the ball and ran again.. "Well, I can't let you score either." He stated appearing infront of me. Tss! His defense is hard to break if I just play around. I grinned again. "This will decide the victor." I stated and threw the ball with one hand. Akashi didn't have any time to react since he didn't know I was gonna take a shot..

The ball went through the net and landed. "I was glad that someone like you, Akashi, is on par with me before. But that won't happen again. I won't let it happen." I stated with a blank expression and he looked me in the eye. "But i'll make it happen. I'll show you that I can beat the Generation of Gods.. with my team.."

team?... a team..

I blinked my eyes and looked at him. I felt like I was a different person back then.. What was happening to me? "Oi! What happened out there? Why are they all passed out?" I heard Aomine's voice and looked towards the door. And there he was supporting an unconcious Kise and Murasakibara. While Momoi was beside Kuroko who just woke up. "Your training will kill this team... Good Luck!" I mumbled and gave them a thumbs up.

I heard Akashi laugh a bit and I gasped. "Akashi! You laughed!" he looked at me like I was dumb.. "Of course I do. I'm still human you know." He stated and helped Aomine with the others. I wonder what happened before though?

"Mi-chan, can you help us out?" Momoi asked. "Hai! Coming."

3rd Person's POV

Mizumi was helping the others by giving them her Energy drinks.. But it'll take a while to have effect.. And once they were all filled with energy again, Akashi started the Training from Hell..

While this was going on, Mizumi seemed like she was confused with something that she doesn't know what..

And unknown to them.. Someone was silently watching from the window.. Then the person called someone..

"Yeah, I think she remembered something that triggered it. I'll try to see what it was...... Don't worry, she's fine now... Yes, she's back to normal...I know!" After the call he walked away ...

"I hope she won't remember what she came here to forget.."

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