Bonus Chapter

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Mizumi smiled in the mirror, the white dress she wore made her look even prettier than ever.

"Mi-chan!~ What's taking so long? You can't let your groom wait."

"Momoi, he's been waiting for how long now?" She hears Luca say. "He waited eight years to propose to me and a few months for the wedding. I'm sure a few more minutes isn't gonna kill him." Mizumi says with a grin as she opens the door, her excitement evident. "Woah, you look amazing Mizumi." Luca commented the moment she saw her. "I was wondering why you took so long." she teased. The three of them laughed at this.

"My, how gorgeous you all look." "Mother!" Mizumi hugged her tightly. "I'm only saying the truth dear." The girls all giggled and excitement bubbled around them. They had all been waiting for this day.

Their student life went by in a blur. They each had grown so much and accomplished great things but right now, the greatest was yet to happen. It was a few months ago when Akashi got down on one knee and proposed. And funny enough, Mizumi couldn't give a proper answer because she was busy laughing at the effort he made.

It was the most extravagant thing he had ever done and might have been a little too much. But still, she loves that side of him. Rose petals all over the floor, a whole orchestra to play romantic music while they dined at the restaurant they owned with a view of the night sky and the city below them. As Akashi got down on one knee, fireworks lit up outside with the words 'Will you marry me?'.

It was adorable and funny, she said yes with tears in her eyes. Partly because of laughing so much and also because she couldn't have wished for anyone else proposing to her. Even though they were already engaged because of their parents, Akashi made an effort to make a proposal of his own which just made her adore him more.

"Hey empress, no daydreaming. We gotta go now." Luca snapped her fingers in front of Mizumi. She grinned and led her down the hall. The wedding was a private one with only those important to them are invited. Of course, as the top business people, there had to be a bit of media coverage but not like the news people and journalists.

Pretty much just the other guys going on SNS and posting updates. But who really cares about that? Mizumi could only think of one thing at the moment. And that was she was getting married.

"You ready?" Her mother asks as they stood outside the chapel. "As I'll ever be" she gives her a warm smile. Her father joins them as well and the doors finally open. She could see everyone smiling at her, their eyes shining with excitement. Kise was already crying his eyes out but that was normal.

Mizumi laughed when she looked at Satomi and the guys and saw them all teary-eyed. Even as they went their separate ways for University, they still treated her as their little princess. Though Satomi was already married too.

It was a month before Akashi proposed to her that Satomi got married to his girlfriend. They met each other in University and well, they hated each other at first but people knew it was just them being in denial.

Anyways, the real shocker for them was for Luca and Midorima to be a thing. But they were happy so nothing else really mattered. Though Luca loved teasing Midorima about his OhaAsa everyday and Kamui loved thirdwheeling the two. It was always a sight to see.

Then finally, her eyes landed on the man near the altar. Mizumi giggled at the sight. The best man was Yusuke. And well, he likes to joke around.

"If you ever change your mind, I can help you run away." Mizumi playfully hit his arm.

"I don't plan on changing my mind." She tells Yusuke and looks at Akashi. Dashing as he always is, Mizumi knew she hit a jackpot. Akashi nodded at Mizumi's Parents before they handed her hand over for Akashi to take.

"I'm glad you won't." He whispered once they faced the altar. "Should I be?" She teased. "Absolutely"

The start of their dating life didn't exactly go as they hoped. They were young and inlove, but still young. They had a lot of small fights, a lot of small problems. But they always managed to get through it by talking and understanding each other. And the more time they spend thinking about the other's situation and the why's of things, the more they understood.

They went to separate universities so the time they spent together lessened at that point. But they didn't let that affect them and it helped them grow even more. And through it all, Akashi stood true to his promise. Not once did he let her cry, he continued with his efforts and surprised her whenever he could.

Mizumi did the same. She wanted to let him know that he isn't the only one trying their best in their relationship. Small gifts, good luck charms, and a constant pillar of support whenever he would hit a slump.

Surprising but that's the truth. Even the Emperor would fall and hit a bump. Because outside the court, he was still human. An elite university meant a lot more elite students just like him.

"What are you thinking so deeply about?" She hears Akashi whisper. "Having second thoughts." She teased.

"You can't back out now, we're about to say 'I do'." She tried to hide a giggle when she noticed the priest looking at her. "Who says I can't back out?" she whispers and takes a quick glance at his expression.

"It's not a good time to joke, Fujiwara Mizumi." Ahh and there it was. Whenever he didn't like what she said or when he thinks she went too far, he would always call her full name. She just smiles and shook her head.

"Scared to lose me, huh?"

"Of course I am." Akashi answers seriously. It doesn't surprise her anymore but it does make the butterflies in her stomach all jittery.

"Do you Akashi Seijuro, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife to love and cherish from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health?"

She looks at his eyes, the deep red hue that's sole focus is on her. "I do"

"And do you Fujiwara Mizumi, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband to love and cherish from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health?"

She takes a small pause to glance back at her friends. All of them wearing the same happy and expectant look on their faces. They witnessed the start of their dating life, had seen them go through all their ups and down. And now they'll witness the end of it as they take it one step further.

She looks back at Akashi and smiles her brightest smile.

"I do"

[[ Hiiii, I was planning on posting this on Christmas but I forgot hehe. Anyways, Happy Holidays everyone! ]]

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