Chapter 22

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Teiko's next opponent will be Touo where the twins are....

They still had an hour before that match and they decided to see how Seirin is doing against their opponent....

But just as they were headed there. They saw another team.. Yosen..

Mizumi's POV

Hmm.. I don't see Tatsuya.. I just saw him before the prelims started so he should be with his team..

"Looking for someone?" Suddenly, Maki's face popped up!

"Maki! W-what do you mean?" I asked..

"It's obvious Mizu.. You're looking for someone.." he insisted..

"I'm not looking for anyone!" I denied and hid my red face..

"Oi, Makishima! You were supposed to watch over Himuro! Not talk to other teams! Now look! He's disappeared again!" Based on the number on his jersey, he's the captain of Yosen..

Hmm.. if i'm correct, Yosen is known for its tight defense similar to an Iron Wall or Shield or whatever...

"Tch. Why do I have to look after him."

I didn't quite hear what Maki said but I saw him grit his teeth.. Wow. This is the first time I saw him annoyed.. and to his captain more over..

I wonder if he's like that with Satomi too? Hmm..

"Well, Mizu. I have to get going and look for him.." Maki said then ran off..

Here's another thing I didn't know. Tatsuya wasn't a guy to wander off.. He's just quiet but he stays close to his team..

"Arre..? Where's Tetsu-kun?" Momoi suddenly asked...

"Don't worry. He's probably just behind us like usual.." Ahomine said and we all looked behind..

"Not there, huh?" We all said..



Momoi, Aomine and Kise started yelling and searching all over the place..


"Ahomine! Bakise! Momoho! Urusai!" I yelled [Baka Kise and Momoi Aho]

They all suddenly froze up.. Good

"Ano.. What is happening right now?" Kuroko suddenly popped up next to me!

"Baka Kuroko! Where the hell were you?? Because you suddenly disappeared those idiots made a ruckus!" I yelled and hit him continuously on the head.

"That hurts, Mizumi-san."

"Oh yeah? Well it doesn't sound like it really hurts cause of your monotonal voice!" I yelled and hit him one last time.

"And you three! What were you thinking??? You know Kuroko seriously disappears and reappears most of the time so don't go yelling out his name looking for him." I said and they just nodded..

"Mi-chan called me 'Momoho' " -Momoi

"Mizumicchi called me 'Bakise' " -Kise

"That damn chibi calling me 'Ahomine' again" -Aomine

"It seems that they are all whispering complaints right now and Daiki just called you chibi, Mizumi.." Akashi told me..

"You dare call me chibi.. Ahomine!!!!"

He tried to run away but no one can escape me!! I easily caught up to him!

"You thought calling me that would leave you unscathed?? You Ahomine!!!" I punched him flat on the stomache and was about to punch his face when someone interferred!

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