Chapter 15

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[[ Heeeeeeyyyyyy!!! Ugh, i'm saying sorry in advance cause I'm not good in this type of scenario.. And also because it took what? a Hundred years to update? hahahahah just kidding though.. The next update will take another hundred years I guess cause of LOTS of problems... Please bear with it! hahaaha Now, ENJOY!!]]

Right Decision?

I don't know if I made the right choice.


I'm not sure who I should ask for help..

But one thing's for sure..

There's a lot of things I still don't know.

And I need to know it now.



That's why I'm here. That's the only reason I came.


I need to know the truth.

Mizumi's POV

I'm outside the court wearing the dress I wore on our first.... uggh never mind.

"The only reason I'm here is because I need to know everything. Nothing more nothing less." I said to myself.

I texted the guys that i'll be late so I guess its fine. There's no backing out.

It's been how long since that day...

"Mimi-chan.. Mizumi, it's nice to see you again." Hearing his voice after so long almost made me burst to tears just remembering it..

"Just get to the chase, Tatsuya."

I saw him scratch his head looking at the ground.. Seeing his face, oh the memories..

"Uh, yeah... First of all, I'm sorry. I don't know what they told you but everything they said was a lie."


"The times you were receiving those messages and threats.. All of them were from them. They weren't true."

Them? What does he mean?

"I'm not sure if you'll believe me or not but I just want to tell you the truth."

"What do you mean? Who was lying? What wasn't true?!" I yelled getting confused.

He grabbed my shoulders and stared me dead lock on the eyes.

"Mimi-chan..." he let out a breath before continuing "Satomi, Shei, Luca, Kamui, Kagari and Makishima. All six of them lied to you. They lied to you and Yusuke. Or maybe.. he, too. May already know."

"What the hell are you talking about, Tatsuya?"

I removed his hands on my shoulders and stepped back.

"They would never lie to me!" they wouldn't.. I'm sure of it..

"But they did! Mizumi! Believe me!" he started to shake me as he kept yelling...


W-what the hell?!

"No way in hell!! They.. They wouldn't do that!! They... can't!! They won't!"

"Mizumi, they never even told you one strand of the truth--"

*SLAP* "Who are you to say that?!" I yelled feeling anger rushing through me..

"Look, I only came here because I trusted that you would tell me the truth.. Not some made up madness!"

"Believe me Mizumi!" "Why?!" I'm finished with his act... "Give me one good reason why I should believe you..."

I waited as he tried to find the words to convince me... "Can't find anything? Then this is good bye Tatsuya... I wanted to trust you again.. But what you said couldn't have been better.. I mean.. telling me that my friends.. my team, who I treat like family, just made up every single bit of the past to break us up?! Why in the world would they do that?!"

"Cause they hate me! They think i'd drag you down! They thought that you would exchange your career in basketball for me.. They were afraid of losing their ace!"

"Bullshit!.. I've heard enough! Just shut up!"

I started to walk away but he grabbed my hand.. "Let go!" I tried to remove his grip but he was just stronger!

"Hey dude, let the girl go-- Mizumi?!" wait, Yusuke? "Yusuke!!" I yelled trying to ask for help when Tatsuya let go..

Yusuke stood infront of me while he eyed Tatsuya...

"Yusuke, I don't want to fight.. I just want to talk to her.." Tatsuya explained...

Yusuke looked at me but he didn't move from his place.. "Look Himuro.. Why don't you try to go home for now? You don't wanna fight and so do I.. So you get the idea right?" Tatsuya looked to hesitate but he just nodded and looked at me before finally going away..

"How do you know him?" I ask after a moment of silence.. "Long story.. we were neighbors in America when I was in elementary and a bit of middle school... Now tell me.. Why were you and him talking alone?"

I let out a breath before saying.. "It's complicated.." we stared for a while then laughed out loud! "Seriously? I was just about to fight him without knowing why and all you tell me is, 'It's complicated' ?" he said that while trying to imitate my voice... "Yeah, that's all... Hey, can you take me to Akashi's? we kinda have a little gathering cause they owe me.."

"Really? I mean you have a driver and you want me to.... Okay fine.. Even though I don't know where he lives..." he whispered something but I didn't hear it because of the wind..

"You comin' home from practice?" I ask.. "Yeah, I regret enrolling at Seirin... Riko-senpai doesn't have MERCY in her vocabulary.."

"Oh yeah, Is a guy named Kiyoshi in the team?" ... "Uhhh, you mean Teppei? Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Childhood friend of mine.. He's a nice guy.." "Yeah, his favorite line involves the word enjoy..." "Hahahaha.. yep, that's Kiyoshi for you.."

"Soooo.... you really won't tell me--" "Nope" "I guessed so.."

I didn't realize that we were already here.. And I thought he didn't know??

"Wanna come with me and be my escort?" I ask.. "You mean your butler?" "Yeah mostly."

He sighed before saying no.. "Thought so... Thanks for taking me here.. Take care on your way back.."

"Yeah, ain't no one who can hurt me!.. Make sure to give Akashi a message for me.. Tell him that I said Hi and I will hunt him down if you do not come home to the mansion safely.. with food..." I literally laughed at that last one! hahaha typical Yusuke..

"Fine, i'll make sure he receives the message.. By the way.. what happened will stay between us only.. You can't tell anyone else.."

"I won't ask why cause I know you won't give me a decent answer but... fine.. I'll be waiting for the food with the guys.."

"Ok, Bye!!" "See you later.. Have fun with your gathering."

I waved my hand and went inside Akashi's mansion... I still look cute but I'm not wearing the dress Akashi told me to wear...

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