Chapter 14

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[[ Hey! Hey!! hahaha sorry for the long wait. Hope you guys would like this chappie! hahaha ]]

3rd Person's POV

"No way! I-- Mazumi did?!" Mizumi reacted when Akashi told her what happened..

"You didn't know? I thought you and her were talking?"

"She hasn't appeared ever since that night. And I haven't really talked to her too." Mizumi explained.

"First, tell us who Mazumi is." Midorima stated..

" *sigh* Mazumi is my other self. She was created back when I was in Middle School..."

"Other self... Cool!" Kise exclaimed..

"Really? You think she's cool?" Mizumi asked and Kise nodded..

'Such a weird guy...' she thought.

"Well, its winter cup!! Let's rest, kay?" Momoi said to break the silence.

"Yeah, and don't let this little thing get in the way of your focus!" Mizumi said and grabbed her bag.. "I'm heading out first! Bye guys!" after waving her hand, she was out of the gym...

~The Next Day

Mizumi was early as usual. She wanted to try practicing alone while waiting for the others but when she opened the gym's door. She was surprised to see all six of them up and practicing!

"Mi-chan! Ohaiyo!~" Momoi greeted when she saw her. Then all eyes fell on her.

"Wow, you guys are early today.." She commented and placed her bag beside the others.

"Ofcourse. Tomorrow is the prelims of Winter Cup" Akashi stated.

"Morning Mizu!" Aomine greeted after he shot a three. "Nice shot!"

"Mizumicchi! Mizumicchi! Watch this!" Kise yelled and did a familiar move: Falling star with a mix of Earthquake.

'He combined two moves! Wow!'

"I'm really impressed. You guys literally made a huge step up! How long have you been practicing?"

Mizumi was really happy that they managed to do it. But... "We were practicing since... yesterday.." they all said. Mizumi's happy smile became a sinister smile..

"What. did. you. say?" *-* "Why the hell did you do that?! Prelims is within 24 hours!! And you guys didn't rest?!" Mizumi was yelling non-stop at them.

"But if we didn't do that then..."

"Then what?! Huh Kise?!If you guys don't get enough rest then all your work will be for nothing!" Mizumi blew out a breath before continuing..

"Practice is over for today. No one will hold a basketball for the whole day! Got it?! You guys will rest!" they all seemed to hesitate but they couldn't argue against her..

"Mizumi--" "SHUT UP AKASHI!! You're the captain! You should have told them to stop yesterday and continued today! Why the heck--?! AH! I'm done here. Just.. Just rest. Okay?" Mizumi grabbed her bag and left... She wanted to cool off. She didn't want to see them over exerting themselves like that...

Meanwhile.. everyone was feeling guilty and surprised at the same time. They didn't think that Mizumi would actually yell at Akashi to shut up..

"You heard her right? Practice is over. Go home and rest." he was scarily quiet after... The guys were scared to make a noise..

Mizumi was sitting on a swing in a park near a court.. While someone was practicing his shot.

Then some guys came.. "Hey, get out. We're gonna use this court." -thug guy 1 [hahaha thug hahaha]

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