Chapter 33

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The next time she opened her eyes it felt like she had slept for a long long time. She felt calm. Unusually calm.

She got up and checked the time, 5:45 am. Then her phone buzzed signaling her low battery percentage. She took her charger from her bag and plugged it in. Took a quick shower and changed into comfortable clothes.

She spent five minutes wondering what she should do when her playing side resurfaced. She wanted to play basketball but had no idea where. So she contacted the only people that knew.

After giving them a call, she left the suite not bothering to bring her phone with her and jogged to their meeting place.

"Good mor..ning.. Mizu?" Yusuke noticed that something was different in her. "Morning what time does morning practice start?" she asked, brushing her hand through her hair. "The usual time, you know how Luca is.." he grinned at her putting the thought he had a while ago to the back.

Right now, he was just glad to be able to talk like this with her again. He knows that the explanation they gave her was a little too much and she needed time to put everything together.

It was hard for him to even understand what the hell was going on back then but he managed to understand a bit after one night.

Only a bit.

Anyway, the ride to their own training gym was long and quiet. Weird even. This was usually the time when Mizumi would complain and talk about random stuff until they reached their destination. But she was quietly looking out the window.

When the car had stopped, she was the first to get out and in to the gym. "Where's Satomi?"

Satomi? Satomi?

Did she just call Sato-kun as.. Satomi?

Everyone noticed this and looked at her with concern. "What's up?" Satomi looked up after tying his shoes.

"Can we talk for a while? Privately?" Satomi eyed her for a second before standing up. "Sure.. But it'll have to wait. We have practice schedule right.. about.. now." Luca walked in, clipboard in hand and stopped in her tracks when she noticed Mizumi.

She eyed her curiously and watched as she set down her bag and tied her hair up. "What are you doing?" she asked. "Helping you train." was all she said and grabbed a basketball which she tossed to Satomi.

"You'll be having a rematch soon." Mizumi mumbled. "What rematch? We have nothing scheduled.."

Mizumi turned around to look her in the eye. "Then will you just leave? Let people think that 'Oh! They aren't that special. They don't need to be called Gods anymore.' Would you like that? You know how hard we all worked to get that kind of title. And you're just gonna throw it away?"

Mizumi knew that Luca was getting angry. She didn't like being talked to like that. "Well, I guess that's fine by me since I'm still one. But what about you?"

Luca laughed, bitter and forced. "You? Still a God? Are you sure about that? Because the last I heard people were calling you a little coward! Scared of playing against new opponents that she stayed behind! Beat those teams in Japan that had no chance against the Miracles! Much more so with a God in the midst of them! So you're telling me that you're still a god? Well maybe you are. A cowardly one, that is."

The two girls glared at each other for a few minutes before they both burst into silent tears and soft glances. The boys all breathed in, never knowing when it was that they held their breaths.

"I'm so sorry.. I love you guys" Mizumi said moving closer to Luca and pulling her into a hug. "What are you talking about? I'm the one who should says sorry. Baka.."

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