Chapter 11

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Mizumi's POV

I'm thankful to Kanata.. She lent us their own kitchen in their own rest house.. She even let the guys stay in the living room too.

"We're sorry for the wait!!" me and Momoi yelled when we we're done preparing the table..

"Oh! Its looks consumable!" Aomine said.. "Dai-chan, hiddoi!" Momoi hit Aomine with the metal serving plate she was holding.. "That hurt.."

"Alright enough with that. Taste our cooking and tell us what you think?" I said and motioned for them to eat up!.. By the way, we could only cook curry since Momoi managed to burn each and every other thing we cooked.. She even burned up the salad I made.. Though I'm not sure how..

"D-" Midorima started.. D? Disgusting?! or is it..

"Delicious!" -Kise

"Delightful" -Akashi

"Delectable" -Midorima

"Decadent" -Murasakibara

"Divine" -Aomine

"It's yummy" -Kuroko

Well, I didn't really expect almost all of them to say words that start with 'd'.. But Decadent??? "Thanks guys.. Come on Momoi. Let's eat too!" I said and grabbed a plate..

After that we gave some to Kanata as thanks for lending us their rest house.. Then practice resumed..

As the days pass, it was a regular practice everyday and we always cooked lunch at Kanata's rest house.. Of course she was the one who told us to do so and asked to always give her some..

Then it was finally time for us to go back..

"Well, I really want to go back with you guys but I have to stay here a little longer.." Kanata said as she was seeing us off.

"Thanks for everything Kanata. We'll be waiting for you at school!" I gave her one last hug before I boarded the ship we were gonna take..

All I really did during that time was sleep since I get sea sick..


"Really Mizu, you missed out on a lot of fun stuff!" Aomine pestered me the next day when we met at the park.. "And we met Seirin too-"

"Urusai, Ahomine! Can't you see i'm still a little sick from yesterday? Why am I even here?" I stood up and was about to walk home but I bumped into someone..

"I'm sorry... Kamui?!" I'm surprised to see him here.. Nanase Kamui, the twin brother of Luca.. Both of them go to Touou Academy..

"Well if it isn't Mizu-chan.. It's nice to see you here. Who are you with?"

"Just a teammate. You?" "No one.. I actually skipped practice.." typical Kamui..

"Luca will get mad at you.. Even if you're her twin, she won't go easy on you.." I warned him. "Nevermind that. You said you were with a teammate? Where is he? I wanna play him.."

Good Idea.. "Oi, Ahomine! Come here!" I yelled.. "Teme! How many times do I have to tell you that its A-O-MI-NE!!" he was too caught up with yelling out his name in syllables that he didn't notice Kamui..

"Hey Aomine. Let's play" -Kamui

"Who're you?" see?

"Tss, he's Nanase Kamui. Luca's twin.. One of the Generation of Gods.." I introduced..

"Oh.. Let's get it on then." We went to a basketball court which was nearby..

"Aomine, just a little warning. Kamui is the Third greatest player of the team next to me and Satomi.. He's known as the Devil on court..." I gotta say..

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