Chapter 28

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"Mizumi I'll help you.. But I can't do everything by myself.. You need to help yourself.."

I looked at him and mumbled.. "I want to play again.."

"That's right. So you need to focus. Forget about the unimportant things.. I'll help you forget."


A loud knock woke me up from my dream..

"Mizumi-sama, breakfast is ready.. "I heard the maid say behind my door.

I took a glance at myself in the mirror and noticed bags under my eyes.. Well, I didn't sleep well..

I mean, who can sleep when you get one shocking thing after another? First I was engaged! Then I learned it was with Sato-kun! And now it's with Akashi?!!

What are my parents thinking?? Then the whole team was just as surprised as I was!! I would hate it if this stupid thing ruined our game..

And what's with the deal they were talking about?? Uggh!!

I stood up and took a quick bath then headed down.. I wore some comfy shorts and a T-shirt 'cause I want to practice a bit.. After eating breakfast.. I headed to the court outside the house and I saw Sato-kun..


I threw the basketball at him. "Ouch! What the hell--o Mizu.." I raised my eyebrow at him and went to grab the ball.. "What are you doing here after escaping from my parents? We were lucky they didn't have time to look for you.." I mumbled and shot the ball

"What happened after? Did they cancel the engagement?" he asked eagerly.. "Ahh, they did but--" "Yes! Finally! I can go back now, right?" he cut me off

".. Oh... Sorry, continue Mizu..." he added once he saw my face that said something-worse-happened.. "As I was saying before you happily cut me off.. *sigh* My engagement to you was cancelled but then I was engaged to Akashi. I even need to attend dinner with them tonight."

I threw a frustrated look at the ground as I thought about the things that happened and threw the ball. "As expected. Even without looking at the hoop you can still shoot, huh? How about a little game to help you relax and forget for a while?"

"I'll help you forget Mizumi.."

huh? who said that? "Satomi? Mizumi?" we both looked to where the voice was.. "Yusuke! Long time no see!" I said and run up to him with Sato-kun close behind. "Yo! What are you two up to? .. Oh by the way, sorry I couldn't attend your birthday last night. I was at my part time.." he said and handed me a small pink paper bag..

"It's fine, I understand. In fact, I think it was good that you weren't there to see the crisis I'm in right now.." I eyed the pink bag with curiosity "What's this for?" I asked.. "Your birthday present. Open it up. I hope you like it. ^_^"

"You didn't have to but thanks anyway.." I eagerly opened the small bag and saw a little box with a cute silver necklace.. "It's so cute!! Arigato Yusuke!!"

"Let me help you put it on." I nodded and he helped me wear the necklace.. "I knew it'd look good on you.." I heard him mumble.. "Aish! Am I watching some sort of tv drama? Why are you two acting like some love sick couple?" Sato-kun suddenly asked..

"What are you talking about Sato-kun? You know I treat Yusuke as a brother just like you and the others right? Right Yusuke?" I looked at him and he quickly looked away.. "A-Ahh yeah. What are you even t-talking about Satomi? I just felt obliged to buy her that because it was her birthday.." I just shrugged of his stammering and picked up the ball..

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