Chapter 19

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Last chapter end:

"I'd like to differ though.." *grins*

*whistle blows*

Mazumi's POV

"Foul Blue No. 6 (Kagari's number is 6) Basket Counts. One free throw"

I did not expect him to fall for that trap so easily.. That shows how much he belittled his opponent.

I wonder how far will his foolishness bring him?

"Momoi, after the free throw.. Please focus the video on Kaijo's Yoshioka Kagari."

I saw her nod her head and then free throw occured.

Ofcourse this will be easy for Aomine. This shot will go in for sure.

But I'm amazed that.. even knowing it will go in. The others are still on their guard. Very good. They learned pretty well by themselves in the past few days.

I could see new determination in their eyes..

"Ano.. Mazumi-chan, why did you tell me to focus on Kagari-san?" Momoi asked.. wait. She noticed I'm Mazumi?

"How did you know I'm Mazumi?" I ask.. then she laughed..

"Ofcourse I'd know. The look in your eyes are different from Mi-chan's. Yours is filled with.. how should I say.. Determination to win? And also, you have a feel of reliabilty and a winning atmosphere. Mi-chan's is more like strength, passion and determination. That's why I knew it was different."

Besides Akashi, she is the only one who noticed our difference..

So not only are the players great. The manager is also a great one.

"Regarding what you asked. The reason I told you to focus on Kagari is because there will be a change in his play. The look in his eye when he was fouled.. I had a feeling that he will enter the zone not long now."

She gasped in surprise... I hope I am wrong.. If he enters the zone now, we will be forced to reveal all our trump cards..

3rd Person's POV

Not only Mazumi but also the audience were amazed at how the other members of Teiko were on their guard even though Aomine was sure to make the basket..

"H-hey, what's with this?" Moriyama asked while stuggling against Murasakibara..

"Huh? Aka-chin said to be on guard 'cause Mine-chin is a BAKA."

And Aomine heard that...

"I'm an idiot huh? I'll show you!" -Aomine

When the signal was given to shoot. He blew out a breath and calmly made the shot... miss.

Everyone in the audience had their jaw dropped! Aomine missed the shot!

And to take the rebound was... Kuroko?! Wait! Kuroko passed! To... Kise!!!

He used Midorima's style!!.


An unexpected 5-point play by the generation of miracles!!

"Mine-chin, no fair. Aka-chin said to aim the ball towards me.." Murasakibara complained.

"Heh. Serves you right for calling me an idiot." Aomine replied back.

"Aominecchi, don't make anymore sudden changes to the plan. It was good that Akashicchi told me to be ready just in case.." Kise complained

Overhearing their bickering. The Kaijo team are on their guard as well.

"As expected of a prodigy. Being able to control where the ball hits and bounces to.. It'll take me years before I can master that.." Kobori said.

"Still. They're just brats. Don't let it get to you.." Kasamatsu ordered "Especially you." He added pointing at Kagari..

But it looked like he wasn't paying attention...

"Damn brat! Listen when your senior is talking, you idiot!" Kasamatsu gave him a HARD hit on the back.. ouch..

"Ah! S-Senpai! I was listening! I swear! Ouch..."

"Tch. I know what you were thinking. *hits him in the head* Even if you can come and go as you like in the zone. You still can't control the time you can use it freely. You have your limit. And we'll use that at the last minute. Alright?!" Kasamatsu yelled at him..

Kagari went teary-eyed and hugged his senpai..

"Kasamatsu-senpai, Daisuki~! ♡♡"

"Ack! Let go of me you idiot!!" And once again, Kagari received a HARD slap on his back..

'That guy is a masochist..' Mazumi thought..

After that thought of hers, she immediately saw the change of expression..

And seeing that... she smiled.

Just two minutes left before the first quarter ends.. The score was 13-6 in favor of Teiko..

Kaijo has the ball and it clearly looks like they were having a hard time getting past the enemy's defense!

Moriyama can't seem to find a chance to pass... then he realized.

"Sumimasen. But I'll take that." Kuroko suddenly appeared and stole the ball!

"Kurokocchi! / Tetsu!" Kise and Aomine both wanted to get the ball.. But Kuroko passed to neither of them. Instead he passed to Murasakibara..

"Huh? Kuro-chin, why did you pass to me? Such a pain.." Murasakibara complained..

"Then why don't you give it to me?" Kagari blocked his way and tried to steal the ball from him..

"Huh?! I'm not a baka like Mine-chin.." Murasakibara replied clearly annoyed.

He was about to slam him down when Akashi stopped him.

"Atsushi. Do not let him get to you so easily. Pass the ball."

Murasakibara grumbled and passed behind him to Kise.

"Next time. I. Will. Squish. You."

Kagari left Kobori to guard over Murasakibara and went after Kise..

"So it's finally you and me. I've been waiting for this." Kise said and flashed him a smile...

"I hope you haven't been waiting too long~" Kagari replied and gave him a smile back...

"Don't worry. If it's you, I don't mind waiting forever." Kise's voice was very seductive...

"Stop it you. You're making me blush.." Kagari replied imitating a high school girl..

Both of them were radiating so much flashiness!

'Ugh. What the hell are they doing flirting with each other?' Kasamatsu thought while shielding his eyes..

'This is bad because they're in the middle of a game! .. But I can't help fangirling!! Kyaaaah~!' Momoi thought wiping her bleeding nose..

"Since I've kept you waiting. I'll give you a little special service." Kagari winked at Kise..

"I can't wait." Kise got so close to him their breaths almost intertwining!!

Then Kise vanished infront of him.

"Not so fast. I'm not going to let go of you, my dear Kise.." Kagari soon caught up to him.

It wasn't really clear what happened there because everybody was so caught up with the sweet seductive atmosphere between them...

[[ Alas! In the middle of their game a new pairing is born! ♡ Hi everyone!! It's a new year once again. I hope that everyone who read this story last year will continue reading this story this year ^_^ I send my thanks to everyone who is supporting this story. May you all have a happy and exciting year!]]

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