Chapter 32

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[[ A/N: Now, shall we talk about the sudden return of Mazumi?? Mwahahaha-ack! *chokes* ahem.. uggh What the heck? Tsk. Anyway, what do you guys think? Is she a bad guy? Or a good guy?

It's obviously a girl? Not a guy?

Okay whatever shut up. I don't need an opinion from my inner self. -.-#


So, let's get down to business-

To defeat the Huns~

Ahhh!! Whatever.. I can't concentrate.. So lets just get on with it. The readers might think I'm going crazy talking to myself..

As if you aren't crazy yet.. ]]

Mizumi's POV (the day she arrived in America)

"Tsk. What the heck? How did he do all this so fast?" I grumbled as I stood infront of Akashi's hotel..

Unfortunately, I underestimated the influence of the Akashi's here, not to mention the influence of my parents too. If the two of them joined forces then it's no wonder they can set things up so fast.

No other hotel would allow me to book a room and every one of them were telling me to go here. Tsk.

And as if I don't know that there's someone following me.. I've already experienced that from my parents before..


Woah, Mazumi?

'The one and only'

Ahahaha I thought my split persona was gone already?

'Does this make it seem like I'm gone? Anyway, contact them.'

Them who?

'Your team. The reason why you're here.'

Why would I contact them? Yeah, the reason I flew all the way here is because they messed up. That doesn't mean I forgive them.


wait what? she gave up--

Mazumi's POV

Sorry Mizu.. But they need to know you're here.

Calling~ Luca


"I'm here. Can we meet up?"

'Here?-Wait you're in America?!' (Luca who is it?)

oh, Satomi...

'It's Mizumi.. She's here.' (What?)

"Just text me the time and place okay? Bye"


Call Ended~

I grabbed my(Mizumi's) stuff and went to the front desk. The lady sitting there gave me this look like she already knew I would be coming and handed me a key.

"Your room is on the sixth floor. Someone will be there to assist you once you get off the elevator." I nodded my head, I'm guessing my room is a suite. Sigh, I'm a billionaire's daughter with a billionaire fiancé..

Once I got off the elevator to the sixth floor, there really was someone there to assist me. Well that's what he did at first..

When we got to the suite, he started babbling about rules Akashi set up.. Yeah as if I'd follow those. I took out my mp3 and plugged in my earphones.. Volume up! And now he's talking to himself. Ha!

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