Chapter 24

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Mizumi's POV

7 minutes 'til the second quarter ends..

"Hey, why not just start already?" I asked a little irritated..

"There are too many obstacles.. Just enjoy a little, Mizu. Before I defeat you again." he said and even smiled at me. Tsk.

But maybe I should just calm down.. If I rush things, it'll just get worse..

It's about time the drinks to have an effect on the guys.. They'll feel energized for another two quarters now..


"Oi Mizu, you're creeping me out. Take a shot!" Aomine yelled handing me the ball..

I just drove through Touo's defense and when I was about to shoot..

"Perfect timing.." I mumbled and passed back to Aomine..

"Perfect timing for what? May I ask?" Kamui grinned at me then I saw four-eyes blocking Aomine!

I didn't know he was good. Tsk!

"Aomine! Pass it back!" I yelled but it was obviously not easy to do so..

I made sure that Kamui couldn't steal so easily once the ball is passed..

So I immediately took the shot.. Nice.

"You're really pumped.. So eager to be defeated again?" Kamui grinned.. "Oh please, we'll win for sure. Don't get so full of yourself idiot." I mumbled and ran to steal the ball from four-eyes..

"My, my.. You're really fast.." he commented.. I grinned when he passed the ball to the little apologetic mushroom..

"Thank you~" I sarcastically said and ran close by to him when Kise stole the ball and passed to me..

Kamui was a little far off so I could take the shot.. 6 minutes left.. We did the same strategies until not only Kamui but also the four-eyes and another player were put to guard me..

Time for some fakes.. I managed to slip through the three and got the ball from Akashi.. I aimed to shoot and knew that Kamui was ready to block me.. So I passed to Aomine..

he shot the ball effortlessly since only the mushroom was guarding him.. hehe~

"So that's how you do it?" I heard Kamui mumble.. "What do you mean?" I said feigning ignorance...

"No need to hide. I already saw through your plan." he said again.. "As I said, what do you mean?" I giggled and jogged away only to be followed by four-eyes.. As if they can stop me..

The ball was passed to me again but I tapped it to Akashi.. Kinda like what Kuroko does.. And Akashi just easily went pass the other Touo players and took a shot..

Each of them made sure to just play regularly without using their full potential... Because they would be put in a tight spot against Kamui and Luca..

But unexpectedly, Kamui stopped guarding me and left the job to these other two.. 'kay~~

"Hey four-eyes, you sure he chose the right thing to do???" I asked and giggled when I saw that Aomine was struggling against Kamui.. "I don't believe it's wrong." he said and grinned..

"If you say so.." I mumbled before disappearing from their sights.. Not literally disappearing, just passing them so fast they can barely see me..

I ran by Aomine and he tossed the ball to me.. "Thanks" I said and shot a three...
[[Omg! A poem! Lol.. XD]]

"Tsk... There are still 2 minutes, Mizu.. But I guess I'm the one to ask this time.. Why don't we start?" He asked, his eyes showed complete and utter focus..

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