Chapter 12

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Mizumi's POV

"So he managed to beat one.." Akashi said as I finished telling him about yesterday's game against Kamui..

"I won't guarantee that he can beat him the next time though.." I told him..

It was just me and him right now.. The others are practicing in the gym while we're outside..

"I know. Daiki still needs to improve if he wants to beat someone who can adapt fast and move by reflex.."

"You know Akashi, he's somehow like you.. Though with your Emperor Eye, you can see the future. Kamui just adapts to the situation.. I wonder if he has one too." It'll be troublesome if he managed to gain that ability..

"We still have an advantage if he's slower than Daiki. That's the only thing we have against him right now.." he's thinking about this really seriously.. Well, winter cup will start next week so I should be thinking seriously too..

"Akashi-kun! Mi-chan!" both of us looked at Momoi as she ran towards us..

"What is it, Momoi?" I ask.. "The... The line up for the games were released. They advanced the start of Winter cup. It's in two days from now." advanced?!

"Why did they advance it?" Akashi asked.. "I don't know. The announcement about this will be said at the opening ceremony." Well, it can't be helped..

I took the paper with the line ups from Momoi.. Teiko's first match is against...

"We're against Kaijo High for the first game." Kagari's school is first... "Wait a minute.. The line up for the games looks weird.."

Of all the games, no school which has a member of the GoG will face each other except for Teiko and Kaijo.. All the others were paired with normal schools..

"It means that who ever wins between us and Kaijo would face another school with a member of the Gods who is sure to win their game!" Momoi exclaimed..

"I think they didn't think about this properly.. Matching up a normal school with one with a God? That won't even count as a game anymore!" I yelled..

"Even the times and dates are different than usual." Akashi said. "It's like they want the Miracles battle the Gods one by one..."

"Its true that when a Miracle and a God play a game against each other, it would really be exhausting. That must be why we don't have a game after our first one and why they advanced the start of Winter Cup!" that's it!

"Still. You missed something." Akashi told me..

"The reason they paired normal schools with ones with a member of the Generation of Gods is to eliminate them earlier in the game.." he explained

"They want to see an all-out game of Gods and Miracles.."

"Gods versus Miracles?" Midorima suddenly popped up behind us along with the others..

"Ne, ne~ Who's our first game against with Mizumicchi?" Kise asked.. "Huh, oh. Kaijo high, Yoshioka Kagari. He has good defense and great offense. He's quick and slick with his movements." I explained..

"I still remember the time Akashi got mad at him..." Aomine reminded us.. "Yeah, he didn't get hurt and he avoided destroying things.." having him for the first game will be tough

"I'll go against him. You guys just need to take care of his teammates.." I said and went inside.. comparing myself with Kagari, he's better at making shots.. But I'm better at defending so this makes us equal..

The one who'll win is the one who is better at defending.. That's the only thing for now..

Next in line would be... without a doubt, the Nanase twins at Touou Academy

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