Having Fun

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HI ALL!!! Just wanted to take a second to thank everyone who is reading my story! I really can't believe it. I kind of just wanted to put something together for all these thoughts going on in my brain :) I really appreciate it and your votes !!! xoxox nicole

Brian’s POV

Gathering all back the MGM grand, we all laughed at probably could have been a bad situation.

It wasn’t the first time, we’d run from the cops and it probably wouldn’t be the last time.

Zoey looked a little shaken up and for some reason, I wanted nothing more than to put my arms around her and make her feel better. Only the wrath of Zacky kept me from doing it. So instead, I sat and watched Gena pull her into a hug and rub her back soothingly.

“Dude,”Jimmy laughed as he came over to where I was standing “That was fucking epic!”

“Hopefully those douchebags got thrown into jail. What fucking tools,” Johnny added

Zoey smiled weakly “Thanks guys, I’d probably be there playing pool for the rest of my life if you guys hadn’t saved me.”

“It was nothing,” Johnny said patting Zoey on the shoulder.

“What the fuck did you do, short shit?” Zacky asked.  “It was fucking me and Brian…”

“Bullshit,” Matt protested “I took on one of those goons.”

This went on for a few minutes before the girls decided to hit the bar and get drinks. I watched as Zoey and Lacey made their way through the crowd. Zoey had cut her hair off. It was shorter and spiky. With her big green eyes, it made her look like a sexy anime character. She smiled at something Lacey said to her and waved her hands excitedly. The bartender approached and the girls yelled their orders out as they giggled. He rewarded them with a toothy smile, like a shark.

“Better go get your woman,” I said to Johnny who turned to see.

“Oh fuck no,” he replied walking toward Lacey.

I followed mostly because I couldn’t seem to help myself.

Johnny moved up behind Lacey who was in mid sip of her drink. Kissing the side of her neck caused her to spit it out at Zoey who stood surprised.

“Oh my God, Zoey, I’m so sorry,” Lacey begged. “I didn’t know it was Johnny.”

“It’s ok,” she replied grabbing a napkin from the laughing bartender and drying her face off “It’s not your fault. Fuck you by the way, Johnny.”

“Shh Zoey, not with Lacey around. She’s not supposed to know about us,” Johnny laughed as he wrapped both arms around his girl. “Let’s dance.”

I looked at Zoey as she sipped her drink “You wanna dance?”

She smiled.“Can you dance?”

“Of course I can,” I yelled a little too loudly.

She nodded with a look of doubt “Let me get a few drinks in me first. I need to calm down.”

I asked the bartender for a beer as I moved closer. When he set it down in front of me, he looked from me to Zoey.

“Hey aren’t you??” he began.

I was going to nod yes, cause I was sure he recognized me but instead he said “Zoey Eriksen…Lee’s wife.”

Zoey gave him an uncomfortable smile “Ex-wife,” she corrected.

“Oh I’m sorry..I guess I read something like that. I just saw the ring and,” he offered, realizing his mistake.

Zoey looked at her hand at the large diamond on her left hand and moved it from her left hand to her right “Oh this thing. Just habit to wear it.”

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