The Morning After

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Zoey's POV

My head was pounding before I even opened my eyes. With a low groan, I rolled over and immediately regretted the action as my stomach rolled. I wondered briefly where the hell I was? It didn't look like Brian's and it definitely wasn't my place. I moved again and this time my head pounded. I was fairly sure that the girls had taken me outside and hit me multiple times with one of their cars but I couldn't prove it.

I opened my eyes squinting against the brightness of the room. A groan escaped my lips as I reached for a pillow to cover my eyes and block out the light.

I heard a low chuckle from the doorway but didn't bother to look. I would recognize it anywhere.

"Good morning sunshine!" Zacky cracked "How are we feeling?"

"Like I was run over by a truck," I grumbled.

"Imagine that," he said and I could hear the smirk in his voice "Come out from under there. I have something that will make you feel better."

I highly doubted that but I was desperate for relief so I pulled the pillow away. "What is it?" I asked wearily, recognizing the guest bedroom in his house. He crossed the room with a glass in his outstretched hand.

"What is it?" I asked wearily.

"Water," he replied simply.

"That's your magic cure? A glass of water?" I asked incredulously

"You'd be surprised," he said dryly "Your head hurts because you are dehydrated. Drink this and let's see if you can keep it down. If you can, then we'll see about getting you some food."

At the mention of food, my stomach began to roll again and in one swift move, I was out of the bed and into the bathroom. I could hear Zacky's low chuckle as I got sick.

"Fuck you, Zacky," I moaned once I was positive I was done, leaning my head against the cool tub ledge.

I felt his cold hand on the back of my neck "I wasn't laughing at you. I'm laughing with you."

"I'm not laughing."

"You will be one day when you remember how plastered you were at Gena's bachelorette party," he insisted.

"I'm never drinking again," I moaned.

"That's what we all say, kid. Are you done yakking or should I leave you here a little longer?" he asked.

"I don't think I have anything left to throw up," I confessed miserably.

"Good because I swear to God, I'm going to drop you if you puke on me," he said as he lifted me up with ease. He carried me back across the hall to the bedroom, dropping me on the bed. "Drink some water. It'll help. I swear."

Sitting up, I took a tentative sip from the glass and was pleasantly surprised when I didn't feel the urge to puke again. I drained the glass.

"Not too fast, Zoey. Sip slowly."

"How bad was it last night?" I said leaning over to place the glass on the nightstand.

"Are you sure you want to know?"

"That bad?" I asked nervously. I couldn't remember much of anything after splashing my face with water in the bathroom.

"Well why don't you tell me what you remember and I'll fill in the blanks."

"I remember drinking tequila shots. Gena on the table. I sang. I remember when you guys got there."

He nodded "I guess Brian made you nervous because you drank more after we arrived. Which is not a good reason to get more tanked by the way. I guess Brian wanted to talk to you and he followed you to the bathroom hall. He says you let him have it again and then you threw up on him."

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