Lights Out

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Zoey’s POV 

Light was just beginning to flicker in from the shades in my room and groaning, I turned over and buried my head into the pillow. My head was throbbing much more than I had been expecting. Note to self: champagne+sexual deprivation…not a good combo and not something I was interested in handling and peacefully decided that settling back into the warm comfort of the bed was a much better option than getting up and actually facing Brian. I heard my cell phone buzz and chose to ignore it. Just as I was settling back into a happy place, it buzzed again.

“Leave me alone,” I mumbled into my pillow.

It fell silent once more, only to buzz again three minutes later.

“Ugh, okay,” I reached for it and answered without looking at the name. “Hello.”

“Zoey?” Lee’s tentative voice came across the line.

I sighed “What do you want Lee?”

“Zoey, I need to see you. Can you…can I see you today?” he asked sounding a bit sad.


“I just…I miss you. Please…” he pleaded.

Ugh, that meant I actually had to get out of bed. I was curious though. “Okay. When and where?”

“In an hour. How about we get some lunch?” he said, his voice a bit lighter.

“I’m in Huntington. It’ll take me an hour to get there and I’m not out of bed yet. How about two hours?”

“Okay. Want to meet at Guisado’s?” he asked remembering my favorite taco joint.

“Are you sure? I mean isn’t that a little too slummy for your popularity?” I asked sarcastically

“C’mon Zoe, give me a break,” he asked.

“I’ve already given you a break. You don’t deserve another. But I guess…okay…I’ll be there.”

“Great, Zoey, I can’t wait to see you,” he said.

I pressed the end call button without replying.


I was right. Brian had left for the studio before I had even crawled out of bed. He had to give me the secret to drinking and functioning like a normal human the next day.  Their third album was releasing in two weeks and I imagined they were making last minute fixes to anything that needed it. Or maybe he just didn’t want to see me. After last night, I didn’t know what to expect.

 After a hot shower, I threw on a pair of jeans, my moccasins and a purple v neck. I ran some gel through my hair and didn’t bother with makeup. I didn’t want Lee to think I was prettying up for him.

Walking into Guisado’s, I was smacked in the face with memories of when Lee and I started dating. He wasn’t a big pop star yet and I was only a beginning producer. We didn’t have a lot of money between us so we spent quite a few of our dates here, eating tacos.

 I spotted him sitting at our old table. His dark blonde hair was longer. He looked tired but his manners didn’t fail. He stood up and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“How are you Zoey?” he asked sincerely as he motioned for me to sit.

“I’m good,” I said taking my seat. The waitress came over and I asked for water with lemon.

“You look great,” he replied.

“Thanks,” I said but I didn’t return the compliment. “So what’s up?”

Almost EasyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora