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Zoey's POV

"Hey Zoey! Are you ready to go? Come on...we're going to be late and you know I have to be there early for sound check..." Brian called through the door.

I grimaced at his voice but still kept throwing clothes through the air as I desperately searched for something to wear. Avenged was playing their first single from City of Evil at the Golden God Awards. It was going to be our first big event together and I wanted it to be perfect. But I couldn't find a thing to wear. I had tons of clothes but nothing seemed to fit what the wife of a rock star should look like. Damn.

"Zoey?" Brian's voice came through the door again, "We're really going to be late...can I come in?"

I sighed and ran a hand nervously through my hair. "Yeah."

His head peeked in the door and within seconds, he was standing inside my room, smirking at the disaster area. Of course he looked gorgeous in his ripped jeans and sleeveless white t-shirt with black dripping paint stripes and Gates in old English letters.

" kinda looks like a tornado went through here or something..." He observed.

I sent him an evil glare and held up two tops. "Which one?"

His eyebrows rose in surprise. "I thought you had out picked something already."

I scowled and held up the horrid skirt dangling from my finger. "Well I had planned to wear this. But after thinking about it...there is absolutely no way I am going to wear a skirt...especially since I have a feeling that we're all going to be drinking tonight and you know how I fall down a lot when I'm drunk."

He nodded with a big smirk on his face. "You do fall down a lot when you're drunk."

I exhaled in exasperation and shook my head. "Yes, but can you imagine, me falling down, wearing this?"

He bit his lip to keep from laughing. "I suppose I see your point...could be entertaining for us guys though."

I stuck out my tongue at him. "Funny...maybe I could wear this shirt if I wore a tank top underneath it..."

He laughed again and shook his head. "Well, I suggest you make up your mind soon because the limo will be here soon."

I groaned in frustration and winced. "Alright, alright...just give me a minute."

After he quickly shut her door behind him, I hurried threw on the first black camisole top I could find, then noticed a deep violet transparent top that I didn't remember buying sitting on my bed. Had Brian brought that in? I didn't have time to think about it as I pulled it on. Then I settled on a pair of dark form-fitting jeans. I put on the lavender droplet earrings he bought me, grabbed my black heels and rushed out the bedroom door to find Brian holding a box.

"What is that?" I asked curiously, pulling my heels on.

"I see you found the present I left for you," he smirked.

"You actually bought this? You are such a chick," I replied sarcastically.

"Somebody had to make sure that you matched," he laughed handing over the box.

"Matched what?" I asked taking it from him. I opened to find the most awesome peep toe purple jeweled Jimmy Choo sandals. I looked up at him in surprise "Brian, you shouldn't have."

He shrugged "Not a big deal."

"500 dollar shoes are a big deal," I asked

"Well," he said slowly "It's your first formal appearance as my wife at an awards show. I didn't think the plain black heels were going to cut it."

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