The Truth Will Set You Free

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Matt's POV

I was furious. Enraged. Pissed. I marched into the studio that morning, ready to fucking kill someone.

Everything looked normal inside. Jimmy was drumming away with Johnny hitting his bass notes. Zacky was sitting on the large swivel chair with his legs propped up on the coffee table. Brian was going over riff with him. Completely normal scene.

Except I was going to kill Brian.

"Hey Matt," Jason Berry called out from the leather couch. Brian and Zacky turned in my direction.

I moved toward Brian and pulled him off of his feet by his shirt. He dropped his guitar and the swivel chair toppled over but I didn't care. Jimmy and Johnny rushed out of the booth.

"What the hell man?" Brian asked surprised

"Matt," Zacky said confused but calm tone "What's going on?"

I shook Brian "You just can't keep your fucking dick in your pants can you?"

So much for calm Zacky "What's he talking about Brian?"

"Tell him, Brian," I demanded "Tell him about Michelle."

Brian pushed against me roughly "What about Michelle?"

"Fuck, Brian," Johnny said angrily.

Jimmy moved toward the scene and pushed me away from Brian. He held us both at an arm's length "What's this all about Matt?"

I pulled the picture I'd tore out from the tabloid and tossed it at him "This."

Zacky moved in close while Jimmy unfolded the paper. The pic was a high quality snap of Brian's lips pressed to Michelle's during our time in New York.

Jimmy closed his blue eyes and then opened them in order to refocus.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Brian?" Zacky said his voice thick with emotion. "I should fucking kill you right now."

"No one is killing anyone," Jimmy declared firmly.

"She kissed me," Brian said quickly "She told me she was taking a job in New York. She wanted advice and then she said that she wanted me back."

"Sure, she fucking did," Zacky retorted.

Brian turned on him "She did. It's the fucking truth. I wouldn't do that to Zoey. I promised you."

"Your promises mean shit, Brian," Zacky spat "I knew you were fuck her up that morning you told me you were married."

"I pushed her away," Brian insisted "I told her I didn't want her. That's the fucking picture you don't see."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I demanded "I coulda said something to her.."

"Said what?" he asked "Would you have believed me?"

"Fuck no," Johnny answered for all.

Jimmy asked the obvious question "Does Zoey know?"

Brian looked at Zacky and shook his head side to side.

"What was your fucking plan, Brian?" I asked. "For her to find out like this."

Brian looked miserable "I didn't have a plan. I don't know...I didn't think..."

"That' right. You had no fucking plan," Zacky accused "No fucking plan but for my sister to be humiliated..again. I told you..I told you what was going to happen if you fucked her around."

"You need to go home right now, Brian," I said jabbing my finger into his chest "You need to tell her now."

He nodded slowly, probably realizing he was close to death but was being offered a way out of the room.

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