Celebrate Good Times

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Zoey's POV
After a fantastic dinner, I admit I was beginning to feel better about the events of the weekend. I was still angry with Brian for the morning scene with the photographer but he was such a lush, it was hard to stay mad. So far we'd managed to fly under the radar without any pics being taken so luck was on our side. And seeing Zacky so happy was the best thing ever. We managed to make our way from Crave to the Grand's Private bar area.
"Tequila all around!" Matt said slapping his hand down on the bar catching the attention of the bartender.
"Ooo wait, make sure to get salt and limes too, Matty," Val called out behind him, jumping up and down beside him at the bar. "We are going to be so drunk tonight!"
"Just for the girls, Shadz...we men don't need training wheels..." Johnny replied, garnering a smack on the head from Lacey. "Oww, babe, sorry...but it's true."
She put her hands on her hips and glared at him, causing everyone else to break out into laughter. "Fine. I'll show you I can take it like a man. No salt or lime for me."
The bartender just shook his head as he set out the shot glasses in front of Matt, Johnny, Zacky, Jimmy and Brian. Then he slid two limes and a salt shaker over to us girls before placing our shot glasses in front of us. He slid a shot glass cautiously over to Lacey, with his eyebrows raised in apprehension.
"You sure about this, Lace? You're probably going to regret it later," Johnny asked
"I don't care. I'm doing it," she stuck her tongue out at him before picking up her shot glass.
When all of them had their shot glasses raised in the air, Zacky called for the Brian to give a toast.
I looked at Brian mortified. What was going to come out of his mouth???
Brian nodded to him, still buzzed off his ass, grinning from ear to ear. "Alright...here goes nothing. To one of my best friends and the love of his life...I wish you all the happiness in the world together... People joke that when woman finds a man she loves for exactly who he is, she spends her life trying to change him. So let's all raise our glasses and take a last look at Zacky V. We're gonna miss you, buddy."
"Hey!!!" Gena cried while the others chuckled and the boys dutifully took their shots.
As if on cue, the girls nodded to each other, licked the salt clean from their side of their hands, and took the shots in one gulp, quickly bringing the lime to their lips. Lacey, however, was not so lucky. As soon as the liquid entered her mouth, she spit it back out onto the bar.
"Ahhh! That was horrible! That was the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted! Ugh! Sick! Matt, can I have some water, please? I have to get this taste out of my mouth! Ahhhhh!"
While everyone else laughed hysterically behind her, Johnny wrapped a comforting arm around her waist. "So I guess you're off of tequila for a while, right, babe?"
She just glared up at him, causing everyone to laugh. When she turned her evil glare on us, the laughter immediately ceased.
"Alright!" Gena yelled. "I'm ready for some karaoke. And I want my future husband to serenade me. Right now!"
It was the first time everyone noticed the band was playing for the bar patrons to sing to but me and Zack had a plan.
Zacky played his part well and immediately had a horrified look on his face. "What? No way. I get up on stage all the time...."
"I don't care, Zacky," she said not relenting.
"Why can't Matt go first?" he continued to protest.
"You said I could have anything I wanted tonight, Zacky," she replied.
"I was thinking more about sex positions," he confessed "I'm not going first...can I at least have a couple more drinks please?"
Gena smirked and slowly shook her head, "Nope. You told me you would do whatever I wanted tonight. Well, Zachary, my love, this is what I want."
He gulped loudly and quickly asked the bartender for two more shots of tequila. When he had downed them within thirty seconds of each other, he smacked the shot glasses down forcefully on the bar. "Fine, Gena...what my lady wants, my lady gets."
"Zacky, I'll help you out," I called causing everyone to turn and look. Brian had an amused look on his face.
"THANK YOU!" Zacky sighed and grabbed me by the hand.
"Zacky, did you pick the song?" I asked as we walked to the guy taking the requests.
"Yeah," he said laughing "she's gonna flip. It's her favorite."
"You already talked to this guy?"
"Yeah, I told you I did. They are all ready for us. You ready for this?"
I scoffed "I can sing this song in my sleep.

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