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Filler chapter :)

Brian's POV

The ride back to my place was pretty quiet. Zoey yawned more than her fair share as I attempted to make small talk. It was a soothing atmosphere, well at least for me it was. She seemed content with that fact that she'd have one more night to sleep in her own bed.

I followed her into her bedroom and watched her as she opened a dresser drawer and grabbed her clothes.

"I'll change in there," she said as she pointed to the bathroom. "You can change in here. Or strip down, whatever it is you're going to do."

"You can change right here," I said as I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it on the floor"it's not like I haven't seen you naked

She stared at me, a strange expression crossed her face "What are you doing?"

"Undressing, stripping down," I said as I stepped out of my shoes and began to unbuckle my belt "What? It's not like you haven't seen me naked before."

"You sleep naked?" she said her voice a bit higher than normal.

"Well usually," I said as I stepped out of my jeans slowly, savoring the way her eyes followed my every move "But if it'll take you a while to get used to I can certainly keep my boxers on tonight."

"I appreciate that," she said keeping her eyes on my hands that as I used them to straighten the waist band of my knit boxers.

The snap the elastic band made against my skin seemed to snap her out of her trance and she hurried past me and closed the bathroom door.

"You know, this bed isn't half bad," I said as I pulled back the covers and slipped into the bed.

"I'm glad you like it. I actually bought it a couple of months ago," she said through the bathroom door. "My first post separation gift to myself."

"Good choice," I said as I made myself comfortable, very happy that I was sleeping in a bed her ex-husband hadn't been in.

Grabbing her remote, I turned on the TV and flipped the channels while waiting for her to come out.

After about 20 minutes, she finally emerged. Her face scrubbed clean of the makeup the she'd been wearing. For some reason made her lashes seem darker and her green eyes appear clearer. Her short hair was pulled back with some type of elastic head band. Add on to that her blue plaid pajama pants and white Foo Fighter's tee, she looked the most beautiful that I'd ever seen her in my life. For a second I was speechless.

"What?" she said self consciously as she turned off the bedroom light and climbed in to bed.

"Nothing," I turned on my side and smirked at her.

"You stay on your side," she warned, "or you won't like the consequences."

"Or what, teeny tiny Zoey?"I said turning the TV off and moving closer to her.

The smell of toothpaste and her skin was overwhelming as she reached over to punch me.

"Turn it back on," her voice cried in the dark.

"What? Why? Aren't we going to sleep?" I asked.

"I can't sleep without the TV on," she whined and I turned hit the on button on the remote.

"Why do you have pajama pants on?" I asked as I brushed my leg against her thigh

"Because it's cold in here," she insisted.

"Yeah, right. You kept them on because you were afraid I would try to make a move on you. What a chicken shit." "

"Sticks and stones," she said as she rolled over.

"That's mature."

"Like you're not all about seventh grade," she retorted looking at me over her shoulder

"At least I don't have to sleep with the lights on. I might as well sleep with a damn mummy," I grumbled.

"They're staying on."

"Don't think I couldn't get them off you if I put my mind to it. Thirty seconds max, and they'd be gone. Unfortunately for you, I'm off my game tonight"

"Shut up and go to sleep, Brian," she chuckled.

"Your loss."

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